CIN1 and local CIN2 but no treatment?


Just after some reassurance really as I've not seen too many topics with a partial CIN grade!

I was found to have mild dyskariosis following a smear test, so was sent for colposcopy. While there, the doctor took a biopsy and mentioned that things looked quite red due to cervical ectropion (I've been on the pill for >5 years, so not totally surprising!).

The biopsy results came back as CIN 1 with localised CIN 2. The letter recommended that I come back for a colposcopy in six months, as hopefully things would have returned to normal by themselves. I'm just a bit worried as I tested positive for one of the high risk HPV strains, and I thought that if CIN 2 was present them performed a procedure to remove it. 

Has anyone been in a similar situation and should I be worried? Not sure if I'm just working myself up over nothing. Any advice appreciated, thanks! 

This happened to me. Had a smear went to colposcopy and had biopsy done and they showed CIN 1&2 then went back because they wanted to remove it. The Dr said she felt to remove it might cause unessecary harm so they would monitor it. Came back in 6 months and they took two biopsies and unfortunately it had developed into CIN 3 and have just had a procedure to remove. She said to me in most cases it will get better and they had really hoped it would have for me. Hopefully when you go for a follow up it sticks to the norm and doesn't get any worse.

I had this three years ago, I had a vast improvement going to nuclear changes and even a clear smear last year but now I’m back at square one. I’m not against the wait and see approach but make sure they keep a close eye for the next couple of years and go in every 3-6 months. I should’ve had this smear at the hospital rather than the doctors and it may have caused less stress than I have now because they would’ve seen the abnormalities straight away and give me further advice and now I need to wait. 


Saying that I’m probably unlucky not being able to get rid of the HPV because if I had the abnormal cells shouldn’t have come back. 

 i spoke to a clinical nurse specialist and she said there is a debate about treating cin2 if you have not had any kids they try to see if it clears up on its own because it can increase miscarriage rate