CIN 3 removed - still anxious

I had results through 'CIN 3 found nothing more abnormal than that' I guess I'm panicked because my smear result was Moderate and they essentially found Severe. 

i rang up nurse who said it was all removed with clear margins and im signed back to GP for smear in 6 months but I don't feel relieved, I still feel anxious! Is this normal to feel this way?

Absolutely! You're not the one seeing it and removing it so you just have to trust them and the results! I went through the same, I even had abnormal discharge during the wait time and a doctor almost had me back in for a another colposcopy but thankfully it was BV! 

Your body needs you to breath, de-stress and take care of yourself! You've had great results and your next appointment will just be to confirm everything has gone well and is healed, it is just procedure :)

Good luck!

Thank you! I see you have a similar story! I just don't feel that relief I expected!