CGIN results

Yes, Vain is my worry too. My cousin sadly passed away with vaginal cancer nearly 20 years ago, she was told she was suffering from constipation until a large tumour was found. I was only in my early 20’s at the time so I don’t really remember the details but I’m fairly sure she didn’t have any previous issues and she hadn’t had a hysterectomy. I was worried if this family history would increase my risk but according to the consultant there isn’t a genetic link.

I’m so pleased for you as I’m sure it’s a niggle that’s always at the back of your mind until you have the vault smear.

Hi Victoria, do you have any recommendations of things to take into hospital? Also tips for afterwards. I’ve heard the gas pains can we quite painful afterwards. Did you take peppermint tea or anything similar? It doesn’t sound very appealing. :joy: I’ve also heard a sore throat is common afterwards from the tubes during surgery. I didn’t even think about this when they did my hysteroscopy. I remember being asked if I had any expensive dental work and I was thinking what does he think I’m having done! :joy:

I took a load to hospital and didn’t use most of it. I’d say the essentials are:

Nightwear easy to get on/off (although I just stayed in hospital gown)
Face wipes / moisturiser
Phone/iPad (charger with long cable)

I didn’t take any snacks or peppermint tea but hospital gave me the tea and a peppermint pill which works faster apparently- maybe get those if you can find them.

Before you go to operating theatre make sure all your things are where you can reach them especially your phone. I couldn’t reach anything so didn’t call anyone straight after and it was late at night. After that first night best to have some favourite films to watch. I couldn’t read as my eyesight wasn’t great and didn’t take reading glasses. Also too tired anyway.

Sore throat wasn’t too bad but just ensured I drank water and tea


Hi Lynnie - just wanted to say best of luck… do you have date for hysterectomy yet? Hope all goes well for you…

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Thank you. Yes, it’s 15th November so less than two weeks now. I’m so nervous.


Aww I hope you have a lot to keep yourself busy until then… plus a list of all your fave things to do which you wont do while recovering - ie doing your Christmas shopping early :blush:

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Apple pie was you the one who posted on the cancer research page did you have a pregnancy whilst you had CiN1 and hpv? I was reading your story as I’m in the same position fort all was over for you x

Hi Laura
No sorry I was not the one… sorry to hear you are in this position… I hope you find someone who can support you through this… we are here to listen…sending you best wishes…

Awww sorry to assume some one else has your name Applepie Thankyou and take care xx

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Hi lynnie, my radical hysterectomy is 14th so I too am isolating and on count down.
I’ve done all my Christmas shopping and start wrapping tomorrow.
I do a 5k walk around the park every day to get fresh air while I can and just try and stop me eating!!

Very best of luck, I’m sure we will be fine. X


Best of luck to you too, Tracey. How are you feeling about it? x

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To be honest absolutely fine. I’m not worried at all, I feel like I should be but I’m not.
I’m looking forward to getting my busy life back.
I’m very lucky and have a big supportive family and lots of friends so the time us flying by.
I hope you’re managing ok xx


That’s great, it’s the best attitude and I feel I need to try and be more positive instead of fuelled by anxiety all the time. It’s exhausting. The time is flying in though!

Good luck to both of you going in the next few weeks for a hysterectomy. I would love to hear more updates once you have been through the procedure. This has been mentioned to after finding CGIN and then my biopsy results coming back as Stage 1a1 cervical cancer. I have had a LLetz to remove the cancer and I have my 6 month check up Tuesday. I am only 29 and a hysterectomy seems so extreme but I know it’s the right decision. Good luck :crossed_fingers: xx


Thank you, I will keep you updated. Good luck with your 6 month appointment too. There is an alternative to a hysterectomy, if you felt your weren’t ready. I’ve gone blank and forgotten the name, it’s a procedure to remove your cervix but everything else remains. xx

Let us know how you get on at your appointment please :relaxed: I have similar … cgin then diagnosed cc 1a xx removed with lletz x now have 6 month wait … was expecting hysterectomy but they advised to wait months and see xx

Hi Rosie,

It’s the waiting is the worse part isn’t it, I have been trying not to think about it too much but now the appointment is tommorow, I’m starting to feel nervous. Especially after having more symptoms arising hopefully they do biopsy’s etc to do there checks. Not sure what to expect on a 6 monthly check really. I will keep you updated xx

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Hi, what test was it that first diagnosed CGIN? My pap smear was fine but a punch biopsy colposcopy diagnosed me with CGIN. Waiting for cone biopsy results now :crossed_fingers:

Hi Rosie, did a punch biopsy diagnose CGIN but then your letz 1a?

Hi ladies, it’s comforting to be able to chat to others who are going through the same thing. Unfortunately I’ve just been diagnosed with CGIN (AIS) aswell after a colposcopy punch biopsy. I’m only 35 and have 3 young kids. I’ve just had a cone biopsy and now I’m waiting to hear the results of that (this is the worst part). My gynaecologist didn’t mention a hysterectomy but after researching I’m sure that will be the next step. I’m so glad they found it, so scary!