CGIN and pregnant

Hi everyone. New here and would love to share my experience. I am currently 16 weeks pregnant and had a smear before i knew I was pregnant (but they calculate it that i was)

I received the results when I was 5 weeks pregnant, and had confirmed high grade CIN with possible CGIN. I had to go for a colposcopy.

Went for my colposcopy when I was 7 weeks pregnant, where they looked, took loads of pictures and said they would probably see me when I was 17 weeks again for another check up.

Thought nothing of it.

Received a phone call on Christmas Eve , they wanted me in for a MRI scan, by that point I was 13 weeks pregnant. I had the MRI scan.

Yesterday I had my appointment at hospital to discuss my results, nothing showing on the MRI but they want to do a biopsy. Now this is scaring me. Due to the increased chance of bleeding they want to do it under general anaesthetic. So if I do bleed it can be stopped whilst I am under.

I really am scared and just hope I can get some sort of emotional support from here. I do have people, family and a very strong partner. But still feel so lonely.

Sorry to hear you’re going through this. Do you know why they requested an MRI? Have the doctors gone through everything with you clearly? Part of the worry comes from not knowing what’s going on so I recommend writing down a list of questions and getting clear answers for them at your next appointment. You need to feel more in control of this. Xx

Hi, thank you for your response. So since I posted this, things have now been moving along more.

They said they requested an MRI before doing a biopsy, to make sure they really wanted to do one.

When we discussed the MRI results they said nothing has gone anywhere else.

I was lucky my partner came with me when I had my last appointment, as I was a mess (pregnancy hormones don’t help too, and I lost my grandad 2 weeks ago) he asked a lot of the questions which we previously discussed together before the meeting.

I now have my biopsy under general next week on Friday.

The MDT meetings have discussed me since day dot and have basically said they are concerned of 2 areas which could be CIN/CGIN or possible early invasive disease.

They have advised against removing the lesion whilst pregnant due to it being in the glandular area.

That’s all I know at the moment, and I don’t think I will know anymore till the biopsy is completed. I am expecting early cancer, they way they are being, and the MDT meetings/consultants involved, I am sure in my head it’s cancer.

They said they want to put a plan in place where they know if they can keep me going full term, or if they need to deliver my baby early, when safe to do so, then treat me.

Its all the not knowing that’s hurting me. But they don’t know either to give me answers.

It’s a hard case with me being pregnant at the same time.

They said with CGIN they are not so clear how quick it progresses, if it’s not already cancer.


Sounds like they are giving you some fantastic care in a very stressful situation. Sorry you’re going through this. You will get through it and you will be stronger in the end. My experience was different to yours (I had early stage cancer when TTC) but I found talking therapy really helped me through it. I would recommend getting referred for counseling. Let us know how you get on. Sending lots of love, xxxxxx

Hi Dreamland! Just an update, I have had my biopsies done yesterday. Had spinal block due to being pregnant, and had a scan of the baby hearing the babies heart beat in surgery.

Just waiting for the results now, which I know is the worst part.

Thank you for the love, I have had so much support from my family, extended family and friends. Very lucky to have them all.

I will update once I have results


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Hello! Been a while so thought I would post an update in case someone is looking at this but not posting :relaxed:

I had the biopsy results back when I saw the specialist at my 20 week scan. They came back unable to grade the CIN but no sign of cancer or CGIN. Which is a positive.

Baby is healthy and a girl :purple_heart:

Have a low lying placenta so been told no sex (which with everything else I had going on I really didn’t mind) and that I have another scan at 32 weeks to see if it has moved. :crossed_fingers:t2:It’s has as would love a natural birth.

I am now 26 weeks pregnant and had another final colposcopy today! They had a student nurse in there too, I am pretty sure I have been some research case through all of this! Happy to help! :sweat_smile: she had another look, and said she is not concerned, did move something across for a picture for the file (I didn’t look at this point) and said they have scheduled me in for an appointment 6 weeks after baby has arrived, and they will go from there.

Said that a natural birth could remove some of the cells so they will have another look and make a decision either there and then on treatment or call me back after another 3 weeks for a smear.

Happy a plan is now in place!

Was so sad to see so many women in the waiting rooms on their own crying and not being aloud one support person. I know covid is still around, and I know it is a high risk department but still.

If anyone reads this, are pregnant and going through a similar thing, drop me a message!


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Hi Jo,

I know this is a past post but want to thank you for updating your thread. I’m pregnant and having regular colposcopies due to CIN 3 and due to have a biopsy. Looks like the biopsy won’t be under general thought which I need to check about after reading your story. Reading what other people have been through really helps- real- life experiences are often hard to come across.

I hope the rest of your pregnancy and delivery went well and that all this worry is now in the past for you x

Hi!! Not a problem! Oh bless ya, hope your pregnancy is going well! I ended up having a biopsy under spinal when I was pregnant. Which wasn’t too bad, very quick and got a scan out of it haha!

So a bit of an update, my baby girl is now 1 (next week) birth was a c section due to her being breech! But went well! And she is healthy and doesn’t stop :joy: always on the go and learning to walk currently.

I had another colposcopy at 6 weeks pp which they had to delay due to me being in pain, they did another smear. Went back 6 weeks later, had another and had treatment which turned out to be high grade CGIN. They removed the cells and came back all clear, but still have HPV. So have another in a years time!

I was so worried through pregnancy it kind of ruined it for me, so hope your not feeling the same.

If you want anymore info reply to this thread and I’ll pick it up.

I am glad you have found it useful to read! When I was pregnant I couldn’t find anything with anyone who had CIN3/CGIN.


Your story sounds really positive and I’m glad you’re back to the monitoring stage now. Congratulations on your little girl!

I did find one other lady on a different forum who was CIN3 and pregnant and she said her cells has reverted back to normal on their own post delivery. Apart from that, just your story that is similar so I’m grateful to have come across it and for your update.

Did you have any issues after your biopsy when pregnant? Dr told me there’s a 1% chance of early labour. Didn’t mention any spinal or general for me, does this seem odd to you? Just thinking about whether husband needs to come with me for it (we’ve got 2 little ones at home) x

Thank you!!

I was hoping for a natural delivery, to see if it would revert but couldn’t have one. But my cells were quite deep so not too sure if they would have anyway.

I had no issues at all, they did say the same to me, warning about early labour etc. Everything was fine, apart from a dry piece of blood kind of thing (hard to explain) but it was what they used to stop bleeding, so if you do get it don’t worry too much. Give them a call if you need to speak to them and I’m sure they will give you advice.

This does seem a bit odd. The nurse said to me i would have a general, then when I arrived for my “op” the doctor said because I’m pregnant it would be a spinal and only minimal amount because it was a quick 10 min procedure.

It did take a long time for my feeling to come back though, was in ward waiting to go home for a while!

So I would call and ask.