Catheter after RH

Hi ladies sorry if this is TMI but since having a RH last Tuesday I’ve had a catheter fitted and is causing me so much distress.

Whilst in hospital the first catheter I had in fell out after a couple of days and another was fitted. Over the last couple of days I am so sore and have a constant sensation of needing to go for a wee. I’m so fed up with it and it’s really getting me down. I can’t believe I’ve had this major op and it’s the catheter that is bothering me so much!

I’m due to have the horrible thing removed tomorrow and I’m praying that everything is okay so it doesn’t have to be put back in.

I’m sorry for going on but some reassurance from ladies who have been through the same will sure help me get through today ready to get it out tomorrow. I’m hoping this is not unusual and that others have experienced similar and any hint to help and relieve this will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance xxx

Hi Hon...mine was removed day 3 whilst still in hospital so I have no experience with one at home. My bladder had a bit of a tizz after the catheter came out, and I needed a wee hourly, but never needed one put back in! Nearly two years later it is fine. My bladder capacity is up to 700mls which is classed as completely normal! Hang in there chick xxx

Hi Claire, 

I totally understand what you're going through! I had my RH last May, and having the catheter in for 10 days was by far the worst part of it!! That feeling of wanting to pee all the time was dreadful. Mine leaked slightly about 5 days in so I went to A&E in the middle of the night demanding that they remove the thing....they wouldn't,  but they did decide I had an infection and gave me drugs. It was slightly more comfortable after that! 

I was lucky in that I only spent a few hours back in the hospital the day I had it removed.I guess it's a standard procedure of having to pee at least 3 times and have them happy that your bladder is empty enough after each time.

Good thing is, once it's out it's you can concentrate on relaxing and getting yourself back to normal. 

Best of luck tomorrow,  let us know how it goes.

Love Greta x

Aww Claire totally feeling your pain, literally still! I had mine removed on Friday, had to stay in for nearly 5 hrs and produce 2 pees before they let me go. After each pee they scan your bladder to see if empty. I had mine in 9 days and I hated it with a passion. As you say just had major surgery and only worrying about the stupid catheter, that was totally me. I have to say though since it's been out, the bladder still feels like its done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. I wouldnt describe it as painful, but def weird feeling. Hope you are feeling well otherwise, it's such a relief to get the op out of the way. Take it easy, learn from me who  keeps doing too much too soon and exhausting myself!  xx

Hi ladies.. Well I ended up in the emergency room last night and it turns out I had an infection and the doctor decided to remove the catheter but as a result it meant an overnight stay in the hospital.

Going for a pee is so strange I am able to go but have to push a little especially at the end.. I still feel like i need to go quite a lot and it doesn't seem that I need much fluid before I am dashing the loo.. But... i am so happy to have the catheter removed I'm happy to deal with the infection and the time it may take for things to get back to 'normal'.

thank you for your responses and Shazzal I can defo agree with you in saying my bladder feels like it has gone ten rounds!! 



Oh, the things I can look forward to in a couple weeks when I'm home from my rh. My doctor warned me for most women the catheter is the worst part. sounds like he is right. You are all so lucky to have surgery behind you. Good luck getting recouped!!

Hi Claire, sorry to hear about the catheter.

Just got home today from my rad hys- done last Thursday. The doctor had my catheter removed the next day, early morning of Friday. The nurses did hot compress for 30 minutes and then cold compress for another 30 minutes around the bladder area. I had to drink a liter of water and the next thing I knew I was frequenting the toilet. Today is  day 3, my bladder is functioning well as well as my bowel movement. Although they said bowels are expected to take much longer. I had some help from prune and prune juice.

With a bit of training in a few days, your bladder will be all better! Hang in there and think happy thoughts always. xxx

Hi Claire,

I just wanted to add that I too had issues with my catheter after a trachelechtomy. I had cystitis for a month and after that it has taken several months but I finally feel like my bladder is back to normal. At first like you it took a lot less liquid before I needed to go and I had to really push the last bit out. In fact for a while I couldn't void my bladder completely and I'd be back on the toilet 15 mins later. It was by far the most miserable part of my recovery.

I saw a urologist who was very reassuring and told me bladders were highly sensitive and it would take 3-6 months but it would get better on its own and it did. Progress felt glacial at times but I trusted her and she was right. Hopefully things fix sooner for you but keep the faith, the day will come when things feel better.

Kat x

Hi ladies I just want to say thank you for your replies.. I was in a pretty tough place when I wrote this post but I'm so much better now! My bladder is getting back to normal.. I think. I seem to be able to go longer before needing the loo and my bladder doesn't feel as bruised as it did before. I still have some cystitis but not as bad so just waiting on my GP to get results and prescribe more antibiotics xx

Such a helpful thread. THank you for recounting your experiences.  My catheter came out last week and my water works are far from Normal.  Maybe I just have to keep practising and hope it might come right in the end. I was so worried but I must try and be patient. Am scared of phoning the ward in case they inflict a catheter on me again! And I couldn't bear that or the tests again!  


Such a helpful thread. THank you for recounting your experiences.  My catheter came out last week and my water works are far from Normal.  Maybe I just have to keep practising and hope it might come right in the end. I was so worried but I must try and be patient. Am scared of phoning the ward in case they inflict a catheter on me again! And I couldn't bear that or the tests again!