Brown discharge?

Hi ladies,

I hv just started chemo/radio 3 days ago.

I am experiencing some very yuk dark brown discharge and light spotting. Is this normal during treatment? Or could this be an infection brewing?

Anyone newish that is experiencing the same?


Hi Bunny,

It can definitely be a normal experience during treatment. I also experienced a little discharge during treatment and my medical team was not concerned. 

My suggestion is at your next appointment let them know so if any further investigation needs to be done they can do that.

Its hard not to worry with any little things that happen! Bring everything up to your medical team so your mind can be put to ease :)

Thank you. I see my Rad Oncologist And nurses today and will mention it to them.

Such a stressful time. I do notice a bit of but when I wipe after I do a wee too. TMI!

And so happy ur treatment went well and u are NED!!! Woo hoo!!

Thank you!

I hope everything went well today ❤