Bleeding from bottom

Hi ladies,

Happy holidays to you all! I hope you’re all doing well.

I just wanna come on here to see if anyone has been in a similar position.
Lately after almost a year post treatment I’ve noticed that I have some bright red bleeding w tiny clots from my bottom after having bowel movement. No pain and mucus and it’s only after bowel movements. Also seems like this happened whenever I eat spicy foods and have alcohol intake. I am really concerned so I told my consultant and I will schedule scans after the holidays.

Does anyone here have similar experience and turns out to be nothing?

Thank you in advance. Much love to you all. Xx

Hi May,

I haven’t experienced this, but I think it’s a side effect from the treatment, as long as some of us have bleeding when using dilators, I imagine our back passage could also get irritated and bleed depending on our diet.

I am praying that this stops and your scans will be scheduled soon and turn out ok.

Hugs and prayers :heart:

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Yes this started for me about 4 months after treatment finished. However it was accompanied by pain and bleeding on its own as well. Turned out to be Proctitis which for the last 10 months I have been having treatment for.

It’s manageable now but was a nightmare to begin with. I have been treated with purastat injections given by sigmoidoscopy and bleed only rarely now. I really would try not to worry as so many things it can be. My consultant at first tried to say it was piles as 4 months after treatment finished was just too early. How wrong was he?

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I get this sometimes too, it’s fairly common after radiation. My doctors just told me to keep an eye on it & if there becomes a lot of blood then I’ll need to get a colonoscopy

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Hi May17

I’m 5+years on from treatment and have had episodes of bright red bleeding from bottom ever since. Always associated with bowel motions, often painless, sometimes a bit uncomfortable. Flexible sigmoidoscopy and a colonoscopy showed some rectal fissures, proctitis and a couple of tiny benign polyps. Haven’t had any treatment because it’s manageable thus far.

Hope all goes well with your scans.


P.S. the Pelvic Radiation Disease Association offer relevant support and information:


Hi May17,

I had bleeding as well. My rad oncologist referred me to see a GI specialist. He did a colonoscopy and found the bleeding to be due to the radiation treatment. He fixed it right there and then and it hasn’t happened since.

Let us know how you go x

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Hi Julie, I really have hope you’ve had a lovely Christmas! I was just wondering how quickly you went from symptoms to treatment? This evening I’ve started bleeding from my bottom (dark clots rather than fresh blood) but I have an appt with my oncologist in a couple of weeks so I’m just wondering if it’s something I should get checked out sooner? I’m 6 months post treatment but I feel like every week something else goes wrong down below😩 xxx

Hello @OldRed ,

I’m sorry you’re going through this as well. This is what I’m having too bright red then tiny dark clots. I’m scheduled to have check up after the holidays. I’m hoping it’s just radiation damage/proctitis. Xx

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Hi @Ladybug ,

Thank you for sharing this. What treatment did they do?

Hi May17, I’m not entirely sure but I vaguely remember the GI specialist saying he “burned” the tissue where the bleeding was coming from. Whatever it was, it did work :slight_smile:

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@OldRed Had a fab Christmas thanks and hope you did as well. It was a fairly long process getting any treatment. I started with enemas prescribed by my oncologist, these didn’t help at all.
I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy in April which confimed the Protitis but didn’t have my first Purastat injection until August so 6 months after my symptoms started with a further injection in November.

I still bleed but not anywhere as much, i have had trouble storing Iron though and have been prescribed Feraccru for that. So much better than the iron tablets the GP prescribed but they should be they are stupidly expensive. Awaiting to see if they have worked or whether i will be having tranfusions. Hopefully you will have better luck than me as its been a long haul

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Same! I’m sure it is just damage for the both of us🤞 Hopefully there’s something the doctors can do to help. Im not supposed to have a scan before this checkup (16th Jan) but I might request one if I can, I’d rather know what’s going on even if they can’t do anything to repair it, just to set my mind at ease that the c isn’t back! x

thats half the battle isn’t it? I can cope with it as long as i know its not related to the cancer coming back. Its very inconvenient if i know i am going somewhere i change my diet as i know i may have issues, or more than often take immodium. I spent a horrible 4 hours in the loos at an outlets in Orlando in September, my daughter and grand daughter went shopping i kept coming back to me to make sure i was ok. It was own fault i had pizza the night before and can no longer tolerate cheese. I played it safe after that rice and chicken!!

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Oh gosh!! Bless you!! :pensive: Ah yes, rice and chicken was my diet for the majority of the year, sometimes with a few very well cooked carrots thrown in to add some variety​:joy: My issues don’t sound as severe as yours, I can usually eat pretty normally now although certain foods trigger things and then it takes a while to settle down. Take care, and I really hope the new tablets help with your iron levels xxx

Please keep us posted how you get on. Sending you all the love and positive vibes. I think we both need to be checked soon to put our mind at ease or at least know what we’re dealing with. Xx

Will do hun☺️ you do the same, and I really hope we both get some answers soon! xx

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