Bleeding with bowel movement

Hi all

I wonder if you lovely ladies can put my worried mine at ease.   I am 18 months post treatment for 2b cc.  I had chemo rads and 3 cycles of brachytherapy.  I've been fit and well until about 6 weeks ago when I was finally getting on with my life and then it tapped me on the shoulder just to remind me not to get too comfy !  I went to the toilet for a number 2 (tmi sorry) and noticed a small amount of blood on the tissue and in the bowl.  Obviously I absolutely had a mental breakdown and phoned my cc nurse who calmed me down and said it could be anything after the treatment I'd had.   Common sense kicked in and I thought,  yes that's exactly what it is.   But... it's still happening  sometimes every day,  sometimes a little, sometimes a lot and sometimes it only happens once a week.   I have been in to see my consultant who examined me and said she wasn't worried but would request an appointment to see a GI and a colonoscopy.   Have any of you lovely ladies had this a year or  so after treatment finished? I'm terrible at seeking answers from "Dr Google", I know I know, worst thing to do! I have no pain and I feel well in myself.   I wasn't told that this could potentially be a symptom after treatment so it's sent me into a dither and my head is running away with me!   Thanks ladies x 

Hello Saralou      Yes this is very common after the treatment you have had.  The rads can damage the tissue and the surrounding blood vessels.     If it gets very bad they can carry out a procedure  called APC laser treatment that seals the blood vessels.     However, they do like to leave it awhile to see if settles down and heals.    You are still very early out of treatment,  it is a good thing they are giving you a colonoscopy to have a look but dont let your head runaway with it's self it is such a common side effect of the radiation.  xx

Ahh thank you flower power x I have had problems with my bowels since ending treatment,  it never bothered me,  I just thought I'll take this after what I've been through it's nothing and if that's all I'm left with then that's grand!  I've talked to friends and family but no one can ease my mind like someone who's actually been there and got the cc t shirt.  Thanks for your quick response,  it's eased my hyperactive brain! Xx 

Like you, I have had problems with my bowels since finishing treatment 1.5 years ago.  The blood you saw could be from a hemorroid.  You can get hemorroids even if you do not strain durng a bowel movement.  Have you taken probiotics & digestive enzymes to help your bowel movements?  It has made a dramatic improvement in mine.   Don't just take probiotics--I found I needed digestive enzymes too.  You can buy them at any drug store.

Hi there, my consultant examined me a couple of weeks ago and said the was nothing obvious there, so ruled out haemorrhoids.   I was hoping it was that!  I'm due a colonoscopy next month so hopefully that will provide answers.   I'm trying not to get myself worked up about it, it's happening nearly every time I go to the toilet.   Thank you your reply, I'll definitely try what you have suggested xx 

I didn’t have the same treatment as you, but I did have to have a colonoscopy a few months ago  because there was lots of blood in my stool & I was experiencing significant abdominal pain. They didn’t find anything and think it was an infection. No more blood in poo since then!