Bleeding... A lot! (After Colposcopy)


yesterday was my colposcopy.  My Dr. found a small “spot,“ and took a sample which will be biopsied.

i didn’t bleed there and came home and had very light spotting, to be expected.  Since, as the night progressed it got worse but not like a period yet... Now today, it’s like a period.  Is it possible that this procedure brought on my period?  Like stimulated it somehow?  I have been waiting for it....  I was due this past weekend... and normally I get it early.  This was the first time in ages that I didn’t get it either very early, like mid cycle, or in less then 4 weeks??  Last time I got my period 2ce in one month... it’s all weird.  

My Dr doesn’t anticipate the spot he found will be more then CIN.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!