Bleeding 8 days after punch biopsy

I was on day 3 of my period when I had the biopsy and 2 days later when my period trailed off I had bright red bleeding. Quite intermittently. Seems to slow down and then I get up in the morning and its back again. I assume gravity doesn’t help! Its like gloopy, sorry tmi but assuming it is blood combined with usual bodily fluids. I’m confused as the leaflet they gave me said if you gstcany bright red blood to call so I did, then she tells me it can last 3weeks. I just assumed it would be a slow constant flow now random mini gushes ( for want of a better word. What’s your experience,? Thanks in advance.

I had a loop excision and bled on and off for 4 weeks.  Sometimes heavy sometimes very little.  Kept thinking it and had stopped and then back it came.  helen x

sorry not much help, i had a punch biopsy on the 24th august and im still bleeding bright red blood i had an infection last week was on anti-biotics but the bleeding hasnt stopped and its now 3 and a half weeks! x


Think I bled on and off for about 4 days, mostly in the morning and then sometimes when I went to the toilet. If you're worried give your gp or the clinic a call and they might be able to take a look. Maybe being on your period caused it to carry on for longer and lots Was going on down there already.


Hope you're feeling better x