Bad day

Had to go for my pre treatment appointment today and my tattoos, that was ok but while I was having that it was discovered that the cancer maybe getting into my bowels, I was absolutely petrified, had to wait around for a couple of hours to see a surgeon, who examined me and he said it was ok for now, slight relief, but this has given me a whole new thing to panic about, things just seem to get worse and worse for me, I'm in a right state again, dont think I can take much more of this never ending nightmare.

Thank god you caught it when you did. 1 day at a time..........

Sorry that you have more to think about


Hi. I was diagnoised stage 2b last year.  Had rad chemo and brach then a hysterectomy.  First MRI next week since op.  Hoping there is nothing to see.

Your treatment will start soon.  Try to stay positive and know the treatment works.  It does get easier.

The worst part is knowing that everthing is out of your control, but you can deal with anything that comes along.