Back pain after lletz



I had a smear earlier this year and found high grade went for a colposcopy in September and told they just wanted to do treatment as soon as possible.

2 weeks later on 1st october 2020 i had Lletz treatment and had my results about 2 weeks ago saying they got it all. I was advised i should be healed able to bath have sex etc after 4 weeks as long as the discharge has stopped its now been around 5 weeks and the discharge had stopped around 3.5 weeks after the treatment but i have found since the treatment i have been suffering with lower back pain specifically on my right side lower back has anyone else experienced this and if so do you know what could be causing this

 The pain seems to have gotten worse since the discharge stopped.


I experienced back pain after my LLETZ for a few weeks which gradually eased. I would let your doctor or the hospital know if its getting worse so they can check all is okay and to put your mind at ease.

Take care,

Faye 61. I had lletz a week ago at my first colposcopy visit following 3 smears showing cell changes and the 3rd one also showing high risk hpv.

Its only today that I've started with cramps and low back pain. I was concerned but  reading your messages, I realise its normal.

I was told by the colposcopist  that its good they've found this now and can be treated as if it was in 3 years time it may have been missed.

What did he mean? I didn't think to ask questions!  

Stay safe x