Awaiting results high grade hpv

Hey guys! Wow can’t believe I’m writing this :pensive: I feel absolutely wretched! I had a smear early in the summer, it came back “abnormal” and two weeks ago I went for a colposcopy. During that appointment I was informed that I in fact have high grade HPV. Worrying enough in itself. During the colposcopy the Dr took two biopsies. Once he was done and I was dressed again he informed me that I have two very large areas of abnormal cells some quite high up. He told me he wants me to have surgery under general anaesthesia to have these removed.
I have a few symptoms of cervical cancer and I can just feel it in my bones my results aren’t going to come back positive. I don’t know what I’m looking for here maybe reassuring that despite what I’ve already been told that infact it’s probably not cancer. I don’t know I just feel so numb and scared about it all.
Has anyone else been told these things in their colposcopy appointment and if so what was the outcome. I’m being told results could take upto 16 weeks to come back and it’s currently controlling my life. I’m so on edge constantly :pensive:

The wait is extremely difficult it really can take over. I’m almost 4 weeks post lletz for high grade cells and also have other symptoms although when I spoke to my forend who’s a sexual health nurse she said there are lots of reasons for various symptoms so if results are ok I’ll go and see gp about those. But right now I just want the letter!! I was told 6-8 weeks by colposcopist before my procedure then afterwards the nurse aid upto 6 weeks so I’ve no idea.
My colposcopy was carried out by a trainee (under guidance) she didn’t say anything at all to me after the consultation at the beginning. The nurse asked if I wanted to look at thee screen but it made me feel nauseous so just closed my eyes and tried to relax!
I wasn’t told anything dieung the procedure, she got up and left with another trainee and the lead colcposcopy teacher said ‘all done now the nurses will have a chat’ and left!
So I’ve no idea other than my smear esults saying high grade cell changes.
I’ve found keeping busy is great but it didn’t last, its just me and he kids here my fiancé doesn’t live with us and the evenings are really hard.
I hope you are healing well and it’s easy to say don’t let it control but I totally understand what you mean. It takes up so much brain space!! X

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Hi, just wanted to join this post as in a similar boat, had LLETZ 5 weeks ago, my aftercare leaflet says i should have results in 4-6 weeks. So everyday I’m just waiting for the postman to come, then disappointed when there’s nothing there. The waiting is awful…

I am in a similar situation. Just hang tight and think positive. Begin to control the things you can… eating healthy, exercising if it’s just walking, and thinking to yourself that you aren’t alone and we’ve got this!
I was diagnosed 2 years ago with HPV 18 and then did several paps etc. This year was told needed the colposcopy which showed high grade abnormal cells. Did a LEEP over a week ago. Nurse called to say it showed severe dysplasia but they got it all. I go Nov. 7 th just to see if I’m healing okay and then a pap in three months.
I definitely understand because I live alone (kids all grown and divorced then ex passed away). I’m a high school principal so stressed from job plus long hours. However, starting today… I’m getting supplements to boost my immune system, I’m eating healthy and ensuring I walk three miles a day, plus I’m trusting my source from above for strength to guide me.
So just breath… then decide what YOU can control and go after that! Hugs to you for good outcome!


I just wanted to join this thread as I’m also going through something very similar. Tested positive for HPV for the first time last year with no abnormal changes to cells, had a smear in September and results came back as high grade HPV and moderate cell changes. I had a colposcopy on Wednesday and the doctor said the area affected on my cervix is large and will need removal under GA. He took two biopsies and now waiting for results. I’m going out of my mind with worry, although very up and down. I also feel bad because I know there are people who are going through much worse.
Sending hugs and positive thoughts to everyone. xxx

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Sounds like we are in exactly the same situation :confused: I’m still waiting for my results it’ll be 4 weeks on Tues since my biopsies were taken and I’ve made my self sick with worry.
Currently in a really dark place and struggling to function most days.
Hope you’re okay and get your results quickly xx

It really is the hardest thing isn’t it. I hope you hear something soon. Sending positive thoughts xxx

Sending hugs to you and positive thoughts!! I’m still waiting on my results and made my self sick with worry. Hoping I hear something soon x

Hi @Nwyatt87

I hope you’re not waiting too much longer for your procedure to be done. I just wanted to say that it’s not high grade hpv, it’s high RISK. There are many different strains of hpv, mostly low risk, but a number are high risk and they can cause changes to cervical cells.

It’s a risk to have one or more of these strains, but not a certainty that someone would ever have abnormal cells or far less be diagnosed with cancer. I appreciate that your doctor has already identified abnormal cells, but it will hopefully be the case that these will be successfully removed without anything sinister being found.

Many ladies come on here with symptoms they connect to cervical cancer and diagnose themselves from Google. This is really never helpful, and just increases anxiety. The only way you’ll know for sure is from the pathology from the removed cells. x

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I’m sorry to hear that you aren’t in a very good place. Try and stay positive and keep yourself busy, eating healthily, exercising, even going outside for a walk, it’ll do you the world of good. I hope you get your results back soon. X

Dr definitely said high grade - maybe he worded it wrong. Yes he’s already identified two large areas of abnormal cells so we’re just waiting on the results of the biopsy to confirm at what stage they are I assume.

Hopefully not waiting too much longer :confused::crossed_fingers: x

Yes-the biopsy will confirm the level of abnormality, but you don’t get grades of hpv-only low risk or high risk strains, and yours will be high risk because it has already caused cell abnormalities. x

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Thanks for clearing that up for me. The Dr did tell me that the biopsy will be able to confirm if it’s CC or not - would that be accurate x

Thanks Hun I will try :blush: x

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Yes, it will be. The biopsy is the definitive way to identify if the cells are pre cancerous or cancerous. x

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Thanks so much xx


This is what I’m also waiting on, and keep asking myself why he didn’t remove them at the same time as the colposcopy, but he did say they’ll need to be removed under GA :grimacing: x

Sometimes it can be over too big an area to remove at the appointment, and the doctor wants to be able to have the cells removed with clear margins so it can be easier and more likely to be successful under ga. x

Ah okay, thank you.
What does clear margins mean, sorry?
Thanks x

Sorry, I should have explained-it means removing the abnormal cells and also an area of tissue around them to ensure that everything is removed and there is nothing remaining. It gives a better result to have these clear margins. x

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