At the start of the journey and doing the trial

Well it did become quite monotonous toward the end. I became an expert at knowing what junction to start drinking fluid at and when to finish so my bladder was perfect lol. Although as it was 95% motorway I had a few near misses with :boom::poop::scream:

The motorways here in NI arent as good as the mainland for motorway service stations!

Also I totted up the fuel cost over the 6 weeks and it came just short of Ā£700. Small price to pay for my health though!

The positiveā€¦? Iā€™ve gained more confidence driving!

:joy: I shall look forward to that then :joy: ours is mainly country lanes, definitely no services! And we have a 2 yr old to take as the in laws live the opposite direction so would take even longer if we dropped him there.
To scared to add up our fuel, we have a big 4x4 due to where we live, we run our own business so hubby is starting super early to still get the hours in. But like you said, itā€™s well worth the cost/time, just looking forward to marking the days off :blush: x

Yeahy today I managed to complete a whole session on chemotherapy :blush: I wonā€™t lie the chemo was delayed to the unit so by the time it arrived I had worked myself into a bit of a panic but it all went ok, one of the lovely nurses held my hand for a bit to make sure I was ok but I got through the whole dose and then had my radiation, so relieved!
1 chemo down only 4 to go wahey :grin::grin:

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Good for you! Another hurdle out of the way!

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Fun fact No.364ā€¦.

Totally forgot the steroid effects of chemotherapy, your body maybe after a long love affair with your duvet but your mind will be effectively reinacting Riverdance to the speed of a hyperactive techno beat while contemplating whether it is actually possible to juggle plates of jelly.

Ok so it may not be that exact experience for everyone but you get the idea :joy:


So today will be the last radiation of week one which feels like an achievement.
Feeling sorry for myself today as I am bleeding a lot, my trials nurse and radiation team said thatā€™s normal but I wasnā€™t expecting it, getting up every few hours in the night itā€™s that bad and now Iā€™m worried that having finally got my iron levels back up they will drop again. Just wish it would stop. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Well I kind of feel justified now :joy:
Saturday I could barely stand I felt so drained and had a minor meltdown thinking if I was this bad after week one then there was no way I can do another 4 weeks! By the afternoon I couldnā€™t stand without feeling faint, called the hospital they said come in, so husband started driving me in, I passed out , threw up and ended up being taken in by ambulance (clearly I had my drama queen pants on :rofl:)
Two blood transfusions later, antibiotics and a 3 night stay I can honestly say I feel sooooo much better! During this time my husband also managed to figure out how to work the washing machine and the carpet cleaner (neither particularly successfully but 10/10 for effort :joy: no he isnā€™t lazy, Iā€™m just more particular lol)
7/25 rads 2/5 chemo complete yeahy :blush:
We can do this x


Well done, Gizzy - a win all round :joy: Glad hubby is stepping up! You really needed those blood transfusions, didnā€™t you - and the antibiotics. I expect the fact that youā€™d been on the trial (and reacted badly to the drug) has made your body a little more sensitive than might be expected for week 2 of chemo. Yes, you can do it - and as youā€™ve seen, your hospital will take good care of you along the journey. Just let them know how you are feeling so they can help you best. Xx

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Oh @Gizzy youā€™re just the same as myself! Like to cause some drama!
I was 999ā€™d in twice in 3 days and stayed for a week! Not pleasant. With me it was because of a build of blood in the womb caused by cervical stenosis. The pain was horrendous!

So pleased youve turned a corner- as we say here in NI
" keep her lit ye girl ye!!"

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Hi @Gizzy we can do it. Together and with the help of this forum we can do it too. Hugs dear

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Thanks Guys, I love this forum and itā€™s you all that make it, feeling so much better today, home from radiation and my lovely big sister has come to stay for a few days so feeling good and positive!
Wishing you all love xx

Week 2 all done :blush:
Feeling a lot better then the start of the week and am looking forward to hopefully having a quiet weekend!
10/25 rads 2/3 chemo feels like an achievement.
Hope everyone else is keeping well.


Brilliant! Youā€™re flying now x

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Brava, Gizzy, am so glad to hear this. :slight_smile:

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Hi @Gizzy

Week 2 over for me as well. Tiredness is kicking in but still doable.

We can do it !!! :muscle::muscle:

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I am officially over half way yeahy :grin::grin: makes the radiation runs and tiredness and all the other naffy times worth it!
3/5 chemo done
13/25 rads
Hope everyone else is doing well in their journeys xx


Hi @Gizzy. Same here weā€™re halfway through and we can beat this together.

Today I will call my nurse as Iā€™m getting discomfort when I pee. It hurts hopefully it will pass with no problems too. But donā€™t want to risk an infection.

Good day dear teal sisters :muscle:


So the start of week 4, I wonā€™t lie Iā€™m feeling tired and drained but I know I have to do this, I only have 9 radiation and 2 chemo left then bracky which means I am getting somewhere!
So looking forward to July when I at least wonā€™t have 2 1/2+ hours a day travelling :joy:


Wow week 4 all done, the finishing line is finally in sight :joy:
Iā€™m tired, a tad sore and woke up this morning with terrible back ache but they say no pain no gain and boy do I want to beat this! I want to have the energy to play with my son again, but on the other hand Iā€™m grateful that at the age of 2 he wonā€™t remember much of this time.
Wishing you all well in your journeyā€™s xx


Youā€™ve done amazingly well!
Keep going !