Anyone have a hysterectomy for prevention of cervical changes

Hi! I was wondering if anyone out there has had a hysterectomy in order to prevent pre cancerous cells. I was diagnosed with a rare form of pre cancerous cells that were pretty advanced. I had a leep procedure and have Pap smears every 6 months. This has been 4 years ago and I have been good since then. But my gyno wants me to get A hysto in order to ensure she hasn’t missed anything. Basically my precancerous cells do not show up bunched together. They are scattered and can be missed easily. Anyone else have an experience like this!? I am 26 years old. I have had one daughter and believe I am done having children. My hysto is scheduled for feb 8th 2018. 

That sounds extremely drastic if you don't have any abnormal cells at the moment, and even if you did, it's still drastic to have a hystorectomy for abnormal cells. I would get a second opinion, and seek advice from the HERS foundation who provide hysterectomy info. 

Hysterectomy can cause other issues, as being in the menopause at such an early age can present it's own problems. So I'd make sure that this is absolutely the right choice for you before going ahead.  


   That does sound very drastic given that youve had no cell chamges in 4 years and were only precancerous before that. I would consider asking what all yur options are as it is not the sort of surgery you want to have unnecessarily.

   I have had 3 procedures of LLETZ in the last 6 years as i have recurrent cin3 cells that are not respondng to LLETZ treatment, but even now my consutant would only consider hysterectomy as a very very last option. My cervix is so thin (literally millimietres left) and unlikely treatable by LLETZ if there are cell abnormalities this time he would still not want to do a hysterectomy unless absolutely and completly totally necessary. 

   Ask for another opinion if youre not happy with whats been advised, you have the right to cancel your surgery if you do not want to go ahead with it.

Thank you guys for responding. I believe the only reason why she is taking it to this extent is bc of the particular situation. The pre cancerous cells that were once found are rare and scattered. She is afraid she could eventually Miss something. But I have had clear margins every 6 months for 4 years. she would be leaving my ovaries. It does sound drastic but I just thought she was looking out for me. Maybe a second opinion is a good option. she had said from the beginning of my diagnosis that I need to have my children and get the hysto. 

Btw it is called Adenocarcinoma.  I have done some research and usually it does say after she has completed bearing children then a hysterectomy is recommended. Crazy! 

Just to play devils advocate I was offered a preventative  hysto but they didn' go ahead as if not had kids.  I wished I'd had it as I'm a stage 4.  I' very lucky that I'm 3 years clear but if I could go back I'd make a different decision.

Good luck xx

Thank you for your response and the reassurance. I believe I am making the right decision for my health. Good luck and I am happy to hear you are clear and healthy!!!