Again? Cancer or?

I was diagnosed with high grade cell changes in 2017 and had a leep procedure done and it was clearly seen on the screen all over my cervix.
Ever since then I was in routine checks and in the clear, 6 months ago at a check my results came back as slightly suspicious cells but not quite clear cancer my dr said, the outside of my cervix appeared to be clear. My most recent 6 month follow-up check she used the spoolie to go deeper into my cervix again and I received a voicemail that she said they are leaning towards cancer cells? I have a call with her on Thursday to discuss in detail and go over my options for moving forward now.

I am confused, I have had ultrasounds that show low egg count and atrophic ovaries, I have been very ill and even had a breast explant on Wednesday thinking they were making me sick with with low desire for food, nauseous, weak, dizzy, abdominal pain for over a year in one tender area, pain during intercourse and spotting along with what looks like passing tissue with pink tinged?

Has anyone been in this situation with it not sounding to be a clear YES or NO for Cancer?

@Missgramz im in a similar situation following my leap biopsy results, which came back very suspicious cells, but they are leaning towards cancer tumour….i have been for MRI and CT scan this week, and allocated a specialist mc Milan nurse - Im seeing my consultant in just over a weeks time, to discuss the scan results. It’s all very stressful :frowning: Have you managed to get anymore clearer answers x

@LouiseS I am sorry to hear that :frowning: I was told this round it tested “rare atypical squamous cells HSIL”. So I needed another LEEP because this time around it appears to be that it is deeper up in the cervix.

So after my LEEP a few days ago, she said she didn’t go as deep as she typically would in hopes to save some of my cervix since I may want another baby and to have a healthy pregnancy. After my first LEEP in 2017 I was left with a short cervix and was closely monitored for my pregnancies.

This doesn’t make me feel good though, hoping for clear margins and that they don’t find anything more advanced. If there isn’t clear margins, I will have to go for another LEEP. The results she said she would be calling me with most likely in January as it takes up to 2 months for results now.

I hope your results come back clear and that things can be handled easily for you <3

Turns out is was just HSIL , they are questioning clear margins from the LEEP but dr said she assumes that anything that may have been left would be burned by the cauterization. I guess I’ll find out and pray for a clear pap in 6 months followup!

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That’s really positive news :blush: fingers crossed for your 6mths check up x