Advice and stories please

hi im new here ...I'm 28 almost 29 years old and for the last few months have been having irregular bleedjng and severe pains in my pelvic area also frequent urinating and feeling like something was wrong just this feeling anyway I went to the doctors who did a smear and sent me for a scan where they saw q cyst on my ovary and around 7 lump/cyst type things on my actual cervix since then I received my smear results saying I had a positive result and changes to my cells I have my coloscopy this Wednesday coming where they said I will have a biopsy too  what have been the outcomes for people ? 

It sounds stupid but before going to the doctors or before things health wise got worse i had this overwhelming feeling I have cancer i know its more likely not to than not but I cant shake it so would rather be i formed qnd prepared for whichever out come any words or stories would be very helpful good ot bad thank you ? 


I'm 28, I had my first smear at 24 which showed HPV and abnormal cells so went for a colposcopy and they thought everything looked fine.

I've been bleeding during/after sex and occasionally between periods for the past year or so. Went to the doctors in March and they said I have a cervical ectopy (basically my cervix is very sensitive so it bleeds more easily, it's also known as cervical erosion) but she wanted to send me for a colposcopy just in case.

At the colposcopy the doctor did my smear as I was due on November anyway and thought my cervix looked fine but took a couple of biopsies to be sure. I then bled a lot and it took her a while to stop it bleeding. She said she had never seen anyone bleed that much from a biopsy so I was really concerned. She said it was probably because of the ectopy and not to worry. Afterwards I just had bad stomach and leg cramps but no further bleeding.

I got my results back quickly, about 2 weeks, and they showed high grade dyskorosis (moderate), HPV positive, CIN2 and CIN3. I then went for LLETZ treatment a few weeks after to get rid of the abnormal cells. I had that 4 weeks a go and I'm still waiting for my results to see if it worked.

Everybody is different but that's what I've experienced so far! I hope it all goes well for you! X

I managed to miss two smears somehow - not knowingly or deliberately - my last smear was 2008 - this was my first post menopause and it was quite sore due to dryness and afterwards I had a tinly bit of blood which I'd never had before. But I put it down ro menopause and thought nothing of it.

The result came back HPV infection and abnormal cells and I was getting an "urgent" appointment for colposcopy and biopsy. So that was pretty alarming. I attended for the colposcopy and the nurse looked gravely at me and said it was a "high grade" infection and at that point I was too upset to ask anything. They tried three different speculums but couldn't open them up enough to do the LLETZ safely and without causing me pain so the nurse finally said "I'm not a torturer" and I was refered (another urgent apppintment) to have it under general anaesthetic. You can imagine the sky fell on my head by this point and I was in a dreadful state. I was planning my funeral! I was convinced because it had had 12 years to be brewing away undetected that it would be worst case scenario. I went in on Thurs - never been in hospital before and not able to have hubby with me of course - I was terrified and I saw the consultant and asked him and he explained there were 3 outcomes the worst of which was cancer and more tests and scans and possible treatment. 

So they knocked me out and woke me up and put me in a ward and the doctor came down and told me the affected area was tiny - so tiny in fact they'd had to hunt for it. She said the consultant had taken the biopsy then had gone back and taken the rest of the affected tissue that he could see. Then later the consultant himself came and told me himself and said even if cancer cells are found he's "very optimistic". 

Home now waiting for the results in a few weeks. I'm still anxious obviously but my imagination took me on a roller coaster ride through hell based on snippets and half-known things and guesses and the guilt and self blame from missing my smears and the memory of the worry of my husband's skin cancer scare a few years ago and the stress of lockdown and the strained relationship with my sister who visited recently and the loss of my mother and my step mum to cancers and a million other unconnected things weaving together in my mind. All that for a tiny warty lesion that is most probably gone now. I hope it is. It might not be of course but I went in imagining the worst and it wasn't. 

I know I'm lucky and other women have other stories. But I cling to the fact that this is part of a screening process to find the unthinkable before it's unmanageable so I have everything crossed for you - and be kind to yourself. I can't suggest anything that will take the fear and anxiety away but if you've got people around you, tell them to hold you and comfort you while you go through this. And whether you do or not there's people here who will try as well albeit remotely. And good luck for Tuesday. Whatever they find they're on the case now.