Adenosquamose carcinoma 3C1

Hi everyone,
I am writing to this community as I feel a bit lost.
A week ago I was diagnosed with adenosquamose carcinoma, stage 3c1, with pelvic lymph nodes involved.

I am supposed to be afraid of death (and I am) but the consequences or radiochemotherapy drive me crazy, I am only 34, and really not ready to tackle with menopause.

Could you please share your experiences?

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Hi @Olgabata

I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis! I got my diagnosis in Feb and its exactly the same as yours. I know the extreme fear and helplessness. But guess what? We have a treatment plan and we are getting help! Isnt that something to be thankfulf or?

I know the treatment is harsh but there are lots of women going through it and we cancome out victorious on the other side :). Cancer sucks but we have amazing doctors and nurses to help us fight it. Science has not given up and so shouldn’t you :slight_smile:

I am 41 years old and though I am older than you I will hit menopause too. Not a pleasant feeling but if that helps me beat this crappy cancer Ill take it. Medical is so advanced nowadays and I feel if we have the right team of docs they will help us.Also regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle. So lets move ahead and I feel the strength will come alone. We are all in this together!

Dear @Mona1,
thank you for being in contact!
I am sorry that you have to face this, and please, and I really hope that we will go through the disease with good results!

My radio starts 16th of April, and it wil be also supplemented with chemo.
Fingers crossed that it works.

Only the best wishes,

@Olgabata Have faith in your medical team and in the eman time take very good care of yourself! Reach out anytime you feel like chatting!

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I was 37 when diagnosed at 3C with pelvic lymph node involvement as well. I didn’t think much about the consequences of menopause but it did hit me at some point when I was looking at the mirror one day. My advice would be to cross one bridge at a time. Once you get through treatment, dealing with menopause will be relatively much easier. Also a big part of me is relieved I dont have to PMS for half the month anymore, I can do whatever I want whenever I want to. It’s not all terrible.

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Hi @JennyCH ,
thank you sharing your experience!
May I ask, how was the chemoradio therapy to you?
Did you have to take a sick leave or it was possible to manage some everyday tasks?

Hugs and prayers to you both. :heart:

Hi Olga. Just wanted to reach out and send love and prayers. I just got the results of my cone biopsy showing adenosquamous with peri-neural invasion and lvsi present. Next up is hysterectomy and lymph node dissection to see if it has spread there. Needless to say I’m terrified. About death and treatment. We will get through this! Stay strong.

Hi @Jportwo0,
Thank you for your kind message!
Needless to say that I am so sorry about your diagnosis, and I wish you all the strength in the world to overcome.
I hope, your surgery will be successfull, and your team will do everything possible and more to return your health and joy, my prayers for it!
Sorry for late reply, i am on my chemorad therapy now, and this weakness does not allow to do practically anything.

Text me if you want to chat at some point!


I definitely read a lot of journals and information online about survival rates etc shortly after my diagnosis in 2019, and it definitely put the “I might die” into my mind. I was 3C. I think I already liked to YOLO and live life, but that definitely changed my view on what I was doing and wanted to do in my life. However, for the past few years I have been doing the best I can to live life.

I was 35 and was not really expecting the shock of menopause. I already had children, but the shock of not being able to have any more (not that I was planning) was weird emotionally. Then, all the effects of menopause - hot flashes, no sex drive, metabolism changes, etc. There’s so much that happens from treatments that affect you long after. Also, anytime I have to go for any type of procedure, even unrelated, and they ask the pregnancy questions or want me to pee in a cup, and I decline/refuse, stating I’m post menopausal, you see the weird looks, the checking the screen for my age, etc. It gets old and always happens, and I’ll be glad when I don’t have to do that anymore.

I’m currently dealing with either new cancer, or metastasis, which would put me in stage 4. I am currently working on writing down all about my original journey, and happy to share anything with you if you like. I’m new to this forum, but feel free to message me anytime. Seems we have a lot in common!