
For those of you diagnosed with endocervical adenocarcinoma, how were you initially diagnosed with cancer or anything abnormal? Pap test? Colposcopy? ECC? Did symptoms initially bring you in to get checked? Isn't it true with adenocarcinoma you can test negative on pap and negative for hpv. So my question is how exactly were you initially diagnosed. I have symptoms but pap was normal and hpv negative. I'm scheduled for a colposcopy with ECC in a couple of months and I'm pushing my Dr for answers. Isn't ECC only 50% accurate at detecting? 

I had hpv negative adenocarcinoma. I went for a smear test, luckily slightly earlier than it was due . I haemorrhaged during the test. I had had no other symptoms. By that stage it has already spread into the lymph nodes. So yes, it can happen but my situation is very rare. What exactly are your symptoms?

Karen x   

Sorry, I see you made another.posting.

I as well bled a lot during the pap and the dr was worried but once the results came back normal she's been hesitant to do any other testing. Finally pushed to get a colposcopy but it would be 4 months after pap and will be 8 months by then of spotting/cramping symptoms 

So I know you hemorrhaged during the pap but how did you actually find out there were abnormal cells? Pap? Or did that come back negative and your doctor still recommend a cone cut biopsy or colposcopy or ECC? Like what was the first test that showed anything was wrong besides the bleeding. 

Hi there, I had a smear done routinely a hearing ago which picked up high grade abnormal cells. Colposcopy then diagnosed high grade CGIN and CIN3 and then had LLETZ done 4 weeks ago as was pregnant when smear results came back and in the 5cm piece of cervix removed they found a tumour in the middle. Awaiting for staging confirmation but likely 1a2 or 1b1 x