Abnormal cells after LLETZ. Worried

Hi all,

7 Months ago i was diagnosed with CIN 3 changes in the cervix and had a LLETZ procedure done to remove all abnormal cells. 2 months ago i went back for another pap-smear post surgery to see if all cells had been removed, but it came back as CIN 1, and the doctor has said wait another 6 months to see if it changed to CIN 3 again, then perhaps another LLETZ procedure. I don’t want to have to deal with this all my life, and i am only 26.
My question is has anyone else had this happen, and the changed come back shortly after a LLETZ?
And has anyone had their cervix removed and still had children?

Thank you all lovely ladies

Finally someone in the same position as me! I was treated with lletz procedure in iAugust for cin 1/2 and results of that came back cin 1. Had my 6th month follow up and came back with borderline changes! I just wanted clear results- so frustrating. I dont really want to go through the whole watch and wait thing either as I suffer from huge anxiety so feel like I can't move on with my life until this is done and sorted. At the moment it feels endless. I'm 28 and really wanting to think about having children at some people point hut not with this hanging over me. 

Worst thing is because I'm now borderline they won't see me for a while because I'm low priority. 

When do you have to go back for your next checkup? 6months?  I did read that you can have a trachelectomy (I'm pretty sure I've spelt that wrong) which removes the cervix entirely but still enables you to carry a Child. 

just want this nightmare to be over :( 


Hey hun, 

Sorry to hear you have to same issue, but also its nice to know someone else is dealing with the same issue as me at such a young age. 

My biggest concern is that ive always wanted my own baby, I have also researched the trachelectomy but my doctor yesterday said there is no way to menstrate and carry a child without a cervix. 

I went to see my doctor yesterday and asked for another pap smear and if the results come back as stage 2 or 3 ill be seriosly considering my options. 

Its such a hard thing to deal with because like you said, its a waiting game to see when the cells have changed. My biggest fear is that they will turn cancerous while i wait the 6 months for a follow up. 


Let me know how you go 

