A positive story!

Hi all,

Just wanted to pop on here and share my story, as reading others stories have massively helped me through this time of my life.

I am 27 and have have had reoccurring positive HPV smears for 3 years, and was then subsequently referred to colposcopy for a biopsy.

The biopsy found CIN3 and I was told I’d need a LLETZ, which they tried to do under local anaesthetic however I was too emotional and anxious to allow this to happen so had this booked for general anaesthetic within 2 weeks.

The recovery from this was mentally draining, and physically quite difficult. I think my added stress and lack of sleep throughout made this very difficult for me, however I did recover! Even though some days I thought it would never pass, it did!

Fast forward to 5 months later, I knew my 6 month test of cure was looming over me and my worry and anxiety came flooding back. I couldn’t sleep again, and felt sick with worry every time that I ate.

I had made the decision to pay private for my 6 month test of cure as after discussing with the secretary I knew I’d hear back from the results much sooner than if I’d gone via the NHS. (Understandably not everybody is this fortunate, however I’d recommend this if you’re very anxious about the length of time for the results) I received my results 15 days after my smear.


I hope this message doesn’t come across as ‘rubbing in’ my good news, however the hours I’ve spent trawling the internet for good news, and a positive story. I found that a glimmer of hope on the darkest days really did make a difference to me. And I really hope this can do the same for somebody else.

Thankyou all on the forum for writing your stories, good, bad, or just asking for advice. I’ve relied on Jos Trust forum countless times within this period of my life and it has given me far more comfort than I could have ever imagined.

Sending love and hugs to all going through anything similar right now, you’ve got this! And we’re all, a lot stronger than we think!


My margins were not clear so an anxious wait for test of cure. So pleased for you that you can move forward and thank you so much for sharing :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

Fingers crossed for you, sending you positivity! X

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