4th treatment and "stiff" lump felt by doctor

Hi everyone,

I have previously had 3 LLETZ treatments for cin3 cells (the bastards just keep coming back), last treatment was January 2018. Still had HPV and cin1 cells but was returned to normal testing every 3 years instead of 6 months.

Past 3ish months have had heavy bright red bleeding after sex, lighter bleeding after the gym and infrequent pink discharge after long days at work standing up. Saw a GP today who is referring me back to the colposcopy clinic, she also did an external pelvic examination and said she felt a "stiff" lump low in my abdomen which caused me some pain during palpation. Trying not to google and freak myself out but obviously my mind is slightly working over time.

Has anyone else had experience of a lump during a pelvic examination?

C x

Has anyone had experience of being told there is a "lump" that can be felt? Ive never had a doctor feel my abdomen for these type of symptoms, its always been smear tests and resutling colposcopy and LLETZ treatments?

Unsure if the GP was feeling for another cause of symptoms?


I don't have advice concerning the lump but I have had 3 lletz procedures too. I've just had my 5th abnormal smear so have to go to colposcopy again in October. I know I have a lot of scar tissue on my cervix and have in the past had doctors or nurses run out of the room in a panic as they didn't know what they were looking at lol. I always tell them now. Could be scar tissue she felt? Hope all is well x