4 weeks post lletz continuous bleeding

Hi im 4 weeks post lletz tomorrow… what to say… day 2 after lletz i had my period. I stopped bleeding for a few days and it changed to brown watery fluid and then i have been bleeding ever since for 4 whole weeks :woman_facepalming: ive had tablets to stop the bleeding- they didn’t stop it, perhaps slowed it but its still bright blood. Im now developing a nappy rash from the pads being worn for so long :woman_facepalming: i hate pads anyway- im a tampon girl because pads make me feel disgusting… i feel fat, i feel tired, im so fed up with life right now and feeling this way, i haven’t had results back yet and I’ve also not had sex in over a month :woman_facepalming: not that i want it but i feel disgusting i feel bad for my husband we have so much sex in the 5 years we have been married and i just feel like a vile wife :cry: not sure why im writing this post… speaking to someone who has been through lletz i guess would be nice… and the aftermath :woman_facepalming: TIA x

I had LLETZ 9 weeks ago and initially just had light brownish discharge then got my period about a week later and i either had a really long period of over 2 weeks or just bled more later on. It was also really heavy at times. It was about 4 and a half weeks until i stopped bleeding or getting any discharge and it was starting to get me down as i thought it would never stop. I was also so fed up of the pads too.

Hope you stop bleeding soon :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Thank you for your reply lovely its just awful isn’t it :woman_facepalming: appreciate you writing back, hope you’re ok, take care x