31 & terrified

Hi there,
I am a newbie & completely terrified. For the past 10 years I have had abnormal smears with one being clear last year (2015). I went for my last smear on 9th Feb and within 2 weeks I had my results stating I had abnormal cells. Day later I received an appt to attend hospital on 19th March (2016). I have now been for my appt and had a colposcopy with 6-7 biopsies taken. Consultant told me that for the past 3 years I’ve had CIN3 with one clear smear. Awaiting another appt to see head consultant to talk over whether I should go for Lletz or a hysterectomy. I’m doing my research but leaning more towards the hysterectomy due to the fact there is cancer on both sides of my family. I went to see my own GP yesterday for advice & to talk through my options, but due to the circumstances my GP also thinks that if fertility isn’t an issue then I should go for the hysterectomy. I am 31 and have my son who is 11 to consider. I would appreciate any advice or help in understanding this whole mess. Don’t know where else to turn.
Thank you