1st Day of Chemoradiation

Hi everyone, just so I thought I would detailed my journey here so the newbies in chemoradiation would have an idea on what to expect in this treatment.

So yesterday was my first day, I was so tereffied  but survived! It's the thought of taking the chemo drugs and kill my good cells too, but I should chane my mindset on that, Im trying to say that it will cure me.

So yesterday was fine it feels like im just having a normal drip, so didnt feel anything. I was the only one in the chemo bay who drank plenty of water like 2500+ mls and passed urine of 900mls so the nurse was amazed except I go to the loo every 20 min. They worried about my frequency in the toilet that I got UTI but i told them Im drinking a lot of water and been doing this for the pas week so they were relieved.

Raditotherapy was okay too, but I overdrank water that my bladder feels like to explode during the radiotion which was not nice. So the nurse told me, if Im having chemo on the same day of radiation, I should not drinnk more water as Im alreadt hydrated from the fluid drip. So all in all, long day from 830 to 5pm, its okay.

Night time, i woke up at 12pm, feeling hungry, or upset stomach and my hands looks swollen so i read its water retention. But it started to go away this morning.

Then i noticed i lost a bit of grip in my hands, everything I carry falls off, again I read its the nerves side effect of the chemo.

I feel cold too which is also side effects of chemo therapy.

Im having constipation too, but thankfully i always have smoothie and was able to go to the toilet after few hours.

Im starting to lose apetite too on water but i will need to push myself.

Sorry for the detailed story but I hope this helps too with new patients on what ti expect on day 1 of chemo therapy.

Thank you all, will update you soon again , Im off to 2nd day of radiotherapy..  

Gem xx

Glad your first day went well XX    Onwards & uppwards the weeks will fly by XX  However,  the nurse that told you not to drink water before your radiation you should perhaps question that one .  The water is not to hydrate you it is to make sure that your bladder is full of fluid to protect internal organs from the radiation field.  I am not really sure if a drip to hydrate you would have the same effect.     Maby some of the other ladies could clarify this one.

Thanks Flower, that makes sense but i will keep on drinking water as I really want to flush the chemo drug as much as I can. Im aiming for 2-3 liters a day. I bought 2 1.5 bottle water and make it as my measurement for whole day. Though today, 2nd day, I felt harder to drink but Im pushing. Xx