Xanax and LLETZ


I am just wondering if anyone has been prescribed Xanax or something to help settle nerves before LLETZ treatment? Or if this is possible

I am terrified

Thank you

I was given gas and air to help relax me due to a very awful experience years ago. I had a lovely team and we’re so understanding.
I would definitely speak to your GP if you can about how your feeling and see if they can help or even the colposcopy department and see if gas and air is a possibility.
Do please speak to someone about your anxiety. I really wish I had years ago!!!

Hi @JasmineM I was prescribed diazepam beforehand (similar to Xanax). I just posted about my experience maybe it will help you:


to echo the other poster, the gas and air made all the difference for me, definitely make them aware of how you feel and ask if this is an option.

Best of luck x