waiting time for colposcopy

Maaannn it sucks to be back here :(

I had a colposcopy back in 2016, I was diagnosed with CIN1 and it was left untreated to see if it went on its own. 2 years later, I had my first child and after her birth I had a smear which came back clear! Yay me!! However, 2 weeks ago i had another smear which came back HPV positive and low grade cell changes. 

As it has been a while since my last colposcopy i was just wondering how long do you typically wait after recieving the results to actually getting the appointment? Also, if treatment such as LLETZ is needed, do they do that at the same time or make another appointment?

Thanks in Advance Xx

Hi .

My smear was about 3 weeks ..when I got notified  that they made a appointment  for colop. And bosopys. They made my appointment  under 2 weeks from when  I got notified. 

I had coloscy . Biosopy  . Polpy removal.  And Leetz  at the same appointment.  Which was last Wednesday.  So now I'm waiting  results