Very first smear

Hi, I got recommended this site as I'm absolutely petrified of having my first test done. I have crippling anxiety and took alot to even get onto this site let alone write this. My mum was basically forcing me to go but thank god I moved out. Every time I think about it I completely break down, uncontrolled crying and panic attacks so bad I pass out cos I can't breathe and massive shaking fits. That's just thinking about it. I'm not scared of the results. Only of it being done. I am on meds for my anxiety but I still can't even bring myself to make the appointment as I pass out before I pick up the phone. Everyone is telling me how easy it is and how important it is. I know its KNOW mportant but no one understands how much I am struggling and it's NOT easy for me at all. It's a mammoth task that gives me nightmares. I'm just so scared. 


Sorry to hear how frightened you are of the smear. 

Why dont you call your GP surgery and explain that you are due your smear but how terrified you are of having this done. They may be able to suggest other ways to do it that would be convenient for you if they could find out what exactly you are scared of. 

I wasnt going to book mine, but not because I was scared. More I thought it was pointless. But I'm so glad I had it done because it turned out I had CIN3 which has just been treated with LLETZ. 

Hope you manage to find a way. Good luck ❤


If the GP doesn't come up with anything that helps (by the way you can ask to see a female GP if that is your preference), you might want to ask if they think referral to a womens health physiotherapist could be appropriate.  I discovered this wonderful type of health professional about 2 years ago when I was having problems using dilators (something us post radiotherapy ladies have to use).  I only wish I'd met a womens health physio 10 or so years ago when I developed anxiety about smear tests.  Ironically, for an erstwhile smear dodger, I now have to have internal examinations every 6 months as part of my post treatment follow up.  But I don't worry about them partly because I have become so used to them and also because of what the physio taught me about my body.
