Trachelectomy update

LN all clear (hurray) but margins are very close and they found one small patch of LVSI. Oncologist says they would normally recommend radiotherapy (as an insurance policy) but he says we could watch and wait if we wanted. Not sure what to do! Would love more kids but not at the risk of my life! Argh these decisions are tough…

They really are tough decisions and very personal but I think if it was me and he recommended radiotherapy due to a close margin and lvsi I would have to go for it. I don't know your circumstances or how many children you have already but I just think it's a risk to leave it and would just give it everything they offer to make sure. Best of luck to you whatever you decide xxx

Hi Cj!

That is great news but a tough decision to make next. I dunno what I would choose. I am sure you will do what is right for you and your family x 

Hi CJ,

I'm pleased that your trachalectomy went well and that there is no spread to your lymph nodes but I'm sorry about the LVSI and margins.

Is there any further surgery they can do after a trachalectomy to get bigger margins or is the only option radiotherapy?


Hi there

this is a very personal choice and regardless of what YOU decide it is important to never look back. Once your choice is made tell yourself regardless of what the future holds you did what you felt was right. 

However, if it was my choice I think I would go ahead and get some eggs froze in case I really felt the need for another child And then proceed with the radio. I wouldn't risk not being there for the child or children I already have. 

Whatever you do choose I wish you the very best!

Thanks for the replies. If they dif further surgery (or had done a rad hist in the first place) they would still be recommending radio as the margins they are worried about are lateral. One thing I will be doing regardless is an egg harvest just to keep options open while we decide. It is also all the potential lifelong side effects of radiotherapy that are freaking me out!

Sorry to hear you have this extra decision to make whilst you should just be focusing on your recovery. I have no words of wisdom as it's wholly your decision to make but I'm sending you lots of positive energy. Make sure you take care of yourself and rest up so you have the energy to make whatever is the right decision for you x