Test of cure - No HPV but abnormal cells - Scotland

Hi everyone

I had positive HPV with borderline cells from screening in March last year. I had a colposcopy in May which showed CIN1 from biopsy samples. I got these results in July. I was told to leave it 6 months and come back for another screening test but I was anxious and requested treatment rather than wait and see approach as I’m 44 and finished having kids after having a surprise baby at 43. I had my test of cure in February and got the results back showing I am HPV negative now which i suspected as I had already checked on a private test. I was surprised that I still had mildly abnormal cells so even though I’m HPV negative I’ve to go back to colposcopy again.

The information leaflet enclosed with my results letter didn’t cover this scenario. There is no information online about it as in England they don’t check cells if you are HPV negative even at test of cure.
I think maybe Ireland check for cells but if they are found and mildly abnormal they don’t send you back to colposcopy.

I queried with the contact for the screening programme in Scotland as to why I need to go back to colposcopy and why Scotland check for abnormal cells and was told just because the gynaecologists in Scotland and the patients preferred it. I was interested if it was based on any evidence or science but was told it wasn’t.

In a way I’m glad cells are checked but I’m also frustrated that if I lived somewhere else in the U.K. I wouldn’t be back to colposcopy because even if there are mildly abnormal cells, the view is without the active HPV infection they aren’t significant.

Anyone else ever experienced this?

Hi Storm1

I haven’t had a similar experience but thought I’m mention that you have the right to refuse the colposcopy. Disclaimer: I’m not advising either way, just sharing information. You could also ask to have a discussion with the gynaecologist about the pros and cons of this colposcopy, before you decide whether or not to consent.


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Hello Storm1 I was reading a medical report about test of cure and I remember it mentioned that some people still have abnormalities at 6 months that clear at 1 year after Lletz and they were suggesting that maybe 6 months is too early for some people to clear the abnormalities , if you are HPV negative maybe it means the abnormalities will clear soon. I can’t find the report now I found it while I was trying to find out what happens when hpv positive but no abnormalities after 6 months Lletz, that is my situation totally opposite from yours. Ask your doctor at colposcopy but I believe there is a high chance it will clear in the next 6 months for you. Best of luck

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