Terrible cystitis... anyone?

Hi girls

I think I was fortunate as during treatment (chemorads) I didn’t suffer much bladder irritation at all.
However literally overnight I have very bad cystitis that’s just shown up out of the blue.
It absolutely stings for me to pee, and it is constantly burning and aching down there. I’ve also got quite a bit of blood in my urine.
I’m going to my GP tomorrow to see if I can get some thing to relieve this.
I’ve never had a UTI before and now lnow what all the fuss is about. It’s awful.

I’m just worried about the blood. I saw my oncologists last week and everything was fine with my results. I just don’t want to have to get further testing at the hospital. I despise going there.

I am hoping that if I just drink tonnes of water, and maybe get something from the GP - it will settle down.

Has anyone had this and did it go away? I’ve googled ( I know) and have read that it’s quite common after pelvic radio and also that it can be long lasting (which I hope it’s not).

Thanks girls. Hope everyone is going well.

Rosie xx

Hi Rosie,doesnt cystitis suck? I had radiation cystitis after my last brachy,although no blood in pee. My gp just told me to take cranberry tablets and to drink lots of water. I did and it was gone in a couple of days,so I now keep a load of cranberry tablets handy. Thankfully it hasnt come back tho. x

Hi Rosie :-)

Cystitis is a total bitch isn't it! I don't recall having any with my treatment but I used to get it so often during my adult life. Lots of water, Robinson's Barley Water if such a thing still exists and is available in Aus, and some stuff called Mist.Pot.Cit. which is some abbreviation for something to do with Potassium Citrate you can get your doctor to prescribe for you. Good luck with clearing this up FAST!

Be lucky :-)

Hi Rosie,

ditto what the others have said. It can drive you to distraction. I had it after chemo rads and had the full works blood as well. I needed two lots of antibiotics to clear it so it's good you are seeing the GP who will test Your urine. Have not had another for around 18 months and then overnight another one for no apparent reason. This time I was abroad and was given an antibiotic called Monurol. You just take one sachet dissolved in water at night, and come the morning I had no more symptoms. Don't know where you live but I don't think they prescribe it in UK. Good luck with getting rid of it though.