Symptoms but normal smear

Hi all, in 2017 I had high grade abnormal cells, cutting a long story short… after 12 months of biopsies, a pregnancy and a multi disciplinary team review I was put onto 12 monthly recalls, despite my abnormal cells showing still in biopsies higher up in the endocervical cancer. I had no treatment for these cells, and my most recent smear in January was normal.

However, for 18 months I have had severe pain in my lower left abdomen. A scan in April showed that my left ovary doesn’t move. Saw a consultant who said I may have endometriosis and referred me for a diagnostic lap. I am still waiting for my surgery date but had my pre-op assessment last week. I have been experiencing predominantly mid cycle and end of cycle pain, it’s so bad that prescription painkillers don’t touch it. I am on three types of painkillers, nerve medication and the pill but nothing helps. This pain is now not only linked to my cycle and I have brown discharge all of the time. In fact I can’t really tell you when my period begins and ends because it hardly flows at all and I’m left with this brown discharge. I am having pain in my left leg, hip, back and uterus, the pain is much more intense when things try to move around mid cycle and at the end though. I struggle to empty my bladder and it’s painful to strain. I can’t have sexual intercourse etc because it causes so much pain the days after.

Do I need to push for a colposcopy review whilst I wait for my surgery? My GP just keeps throwing painkillers at me and chasing the surgeon. I don’t know what to do at this point but am absolutely worried sick!

Hi - I am appalled that you have been in this sort of pain for so long and are still waiting for a laparoscopic investigation. Thank goodness you’ve had your pre-op assessment as they should do the procedure within the next few weeks. This needs attention yesterday, rather than keeping you waiting like this. I would make as much fuss as possible about the pain and to be honest, if you’re in such pain and can’t even empty your bladder I was this you should go to A&E. I can only hope you’ll get some attention, some relief and some answers soon. Xx