Side effect chemo/rads

Hi ladies, thanks for taking the time to read this. I have got stage 2b cc and just came home from hospital after seeing the gyno and I have a cystoscopy booked in for Tuesday next week to determine chemo/rads or hyster. She said it’s more likely chemo/rads but not sure so making sure by doing the cystoscopy. can I ask what to expect in terms of side effects from chemo/rads? She said likely hair loss and fatigue and diarea also is this long term? Or after 5 weeks chemo/rad do you go back to normal and let your body recover? I am worried my whole lifestyle is going to change because I am such a fitness fanatic will this be too hard in future? I am so confused about freezing eggs too because she said I need a sperm which I didn’t know so now I’m so confused yet again!! Sorry bit ranting here but any advice would be appreciated xxxxthankyou

Hi Hun, with chemo a lot of people don't lose their hair when theyre a low grade like yourself as the chemo isn't as strong i dont think, I have advanced and I had 2 types of chemo and I lost all my hair but a year on I can tie it up and it's almost to my shoulders :-)....chemo was rough for me really rough BUT everyone's journey is diffrent so please dont scare yourself with what you read on here and STAY off google!! Once you know what your having let us know and any questions we will help - were a helpful bunch :-).

with the side effects no they don't last they're around for a while as the treatment stays in your system for so long then your body tends to normal after a while, although it can cause some long term issues but this seems to be causes the bowel issues but nothing that can't be solved.

good luck xx

Hi Geo :-)

Your chemo will probably be Cisplatin which does not cause hair loss but can make you feel nauseous, or put a metallic taste in your mouth, and make you dislike some of your favourite foods. Radiotherapy is likely to make you tired and give you diarrhoea in about your third week. For most of us the side effects are not very long lasting but as Carmel says, some people do go on to have permanent issues. try not to worry yourself about that though because it seems to be less common than lymphodema caused by radical hysterectomy and lymph node removal. In my opinion you have got the better deal :-)

It will also probably trigger the menopause so don't let your first hot flush frighten you. Make sure to report any symptoms, any feelings of unwellness to your team as they may well be able to prescribe something to help you.

Be lucky :-)

Hey hon

I just replied to your previous post (Confused? Help?).

Really hope you're ok, although I know you're probably going through a thousand emotions. 


Rosie xx

Thanks ladies. I am super paranoid today for some reason that the cancer has got into somewhere else in my body because hence why they are putting a camera up there Tuesday under GA. My eggs freezing is possible only if they have 4 weeks space before chemo / rad starts. I am so confused because the fertlity specialist said if i get just chemo/radiaiton then I can carry my own baby?? Is this right?? I am stage 2B cancer and need chemo/rad and maybe a hyster as well all depending on results of Tuesday/. Also Tivoli i am only 31 what should i expect with menopause? hot flushes and moods seem easy compared to the rest so if its just that I can deal with it! how long do you go through it for? I seem to always have questions going around my head daily. I work full time too so not sure whats going with with sick pay! Thanks for all your help ladies. xxx

Hey Geoxx 

I think it is a common thing I have seen posted by various ladies here - once you found out you have cancer, you start to think "it's everywhere"! But they just do all the checking to make sure it hasn't spread of course. So even though it is an anxious time, it is going to give you all the information you need and most likely it won't be anywhere else! 

I was a fitness fanatic too, and I look forward to getting back into it at the end of all of this - and I am sure you will too! It will probably really help with recovering emotionally and even physically perhaps?

I can't give any advice on the chemoradiation treatment as I have not had this yet, but so many others will be able to give you advice.

In regards to sickpay - I can't get over the amount of paperwork that is involved in being sick! I used all my sickpay, and I am not sure if it is the same where you are, but in Australia where I am - you can access 75% of your fortnightly pay once your sick leave runs out. I think it is called Salary Continuance and it is some sort of insurance. Ask your work - they could have something similar? 

The start of all this (where you're at) is definitely the most overwhelming time - waiting for test results and treatment to be finalised! I haven't officially started my treatment yet, but I hear that once you do, it does become easier because you are facing this "thing" head on and starting to move through it all. 


I am so glad you have found Jo's. Much love.


Rosie xx

Hi Geo :-)

I think we all get a different experience of menopause. I am not aware of having had mood swings, just hot flushes and night sweats, and forgetting all sorts of stuff. You may even find that you are allowed HRT in which case you don't have to face this additional little joy just yet at all. I wouldn't try to plan for it, just wait and see what happens and how well you cope with it.

Be lucky :-)