Sad, confused, and lonely I guess.

So I know exactly who gave this to me and in the beginning, I was SO angry at them, but now I am just sad, and scared, and now I feel I can’t really trust anyone in any intimate way. I was dating a guy back in 2021 and after several weeks of dating, talking, and stuff, we decided to sleep together. The condom broke. Something wasn’t right so I went to the gyno due to itching, and I was diagnosed with BV literally within the week. Well, when I told him what happened he ADMITTED he had a different girlfriend he had been hooking up with whom I might have gotten it from. And a day later he calls to tell me she admitted to having cervical cancer a few years prior and that she had a hysterectomy but since then gets BV constantly and they never used condoms together. I was so angry that I cut him off and have never spoken to him since. I also haven’t had a partner since.

Well, I was treated and the gyno had said I was clear, but a year later in Oct of 2022 I was diagnosed with HPV 53 (Probable high risk) with LSIL CIN1 at my annual pap. Since I am overseas I have panicked, cried, and tried with fail to get clear information. The gyno here speaks English, but told me that it usually clears up on it own in 2 years without needing to do anything. A spark of hope. She followed that up with the information that I would need a pap every 3 months to monitor. I asked her if there was ANY thing I could take, and she sold me some vitamins, and said they may help, but mostly it takes time. She also recommended the HPV shot series, which I agreed to as I was scared. (They are expensive which sucks)

3 months later ( Jan 20th) I went in for a check, and when the results came back it was WORSE. Now I have HPV 53 (probable high risk), 61 (Low risk), as well as 45 (high risk). I was devastated, and numb. The doc asked if I had any new partners and I said no. So now she thinks I had them the first time, but they just didn’t present at the time. I have gone online and I bought a few vitamins that have reviews for helping clear stubborn HPV, but I worry they will not do a thing but act as a placebo.

I am coming up on my next appt in April and a part of me is terrified that it will lead to another biopsy and come back worse. My closest friends know what happened and have been pretty supportive, however, I still just feel so numb inside and try to ignore it the best I can.

I am just confused how after a year of not knowing I had it, how I went from 1 hpv type to 3. Despite my gyno doing her best to calm my anxiety, I still have the anxiety of what the Next test will show.

I understand that it is very difficult what you are going through but it is very difficult to know from whom you got it. You might be carrier of the virus for years and the test pap to come clean. I had a discussion with my doctor and I have been told that it is assumed that all men have the virus. It looks like that you don’t have pre cancerous cells so it is very likely your body to clean the virus as it happens with most of people. It is understandable to feel angry with your boyfriend as he cheated on you and got BV but BV is a bacteria whilst HPV is a virus, totally different things. As your doctor said try to be focused on the vitamins as it will boost your immune system and help your body to clean the virus.



I am 99% sure I got it from him, because he was only my second partner ever, and I only ever used condoms with the first partner which was three years before the second guy.

While I understand that BV is difference from HPV, the fact that the guys other girlfriend had HPV prior that DID lead to cervical cancer, akes me believe that when she got the hysterectomy, that they didnt clear out all the hpv infected tissue ( I have heard that can happen)

Maybe it was an language barrier issue, however I was under the impression by the gyno that HPV 45 was high risk for precancerous cells. I would feel so much better if it isn’t the case because my biggest fear is it turning to cancer.

Hi Mia89 and welcome

It seems that condoms, whilst they help, don’t offer full protection from HPV. Also once infected, the virus can remain in our bodies for many years, possibly decades. I hope not to scare you even more than you are but just to say we can never be sure who gave who the virus, unless possibly if there has been absolutely no previous sexual contact.

I’m in my 60s and all my smear tests predate HPV primary screening so I haven’t experienced getting a HPV positive result. I can imagine the news comes as a shock but knowing you have been infected confers advantages in that the health service will offer to monitor you more closely which in turn means your risk for cervical cancer is lower than in the days when we didn’t have primary HPV screening.

It’s not so much about being infected the HPV that’s the issue but more how your immune system deals with the virus and whether you develop abnormal cells. Invasive cervical cancer is rare and very preventable through screening and minor outpatient treatment and It’s only the unlucky few, like me, who will ever go on to develop it; didn’t help that I stopped getting smears after the age 50y!

Easy to say but worrying doesn’t help; best to channel your energy in to a having a healthy lifestyle which will benefit your immunity. There is evidence that smoking increases the risk for cervical cancer so best to quit if you’re a smoker.



Hi Mia,

Did you have a colposcopy? If HPV test was positive the standard practice is to be referred for colposcopy in order to take some samples for analysis and see f you have pre cancerous cells. To have a positive test pap doesn’t mean that you have pre cancerous cells, It is only that the virus is detected.

I had the biopsy back in October, thats when I was told I had hpv type 53.

in Jan, it was a follow up pap smear. and the gyno said that I had tested positive for 61, 53, and 45.
I have my next pap at the begining of May. and she said that if i still tested positive for the 2 new ones, they would take a new biopsy.

I dont know if my body is even fighting this. it just appeared to get worse over a 3 month span.

So I have been taking all the vitamins I heard from others helped them to try to boost the immune system to try to beat this. I just dont know what I am in for in may

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