Results from LLETZ, margins not totally clear :|

The Dr at the colposcopy clinic just called to let me know that the results were back from my LLETZ and the margins weren’t clear. Its only one small area of concern so I had the option of waiting for test of cure (which would be end of April) or going straight for another LLETZ.

I’ve opted for the latter. She did say that the area of concern may have been cleared by the post procedure cauterisation, but I’d rather just get it over with and hopefully that’ll be the end of it! So fingers crossed!!!

Hello I had the same issue no clear margins from CIN3 and also CGIN.
And was back for Colposcopy after 3 months but it was all clear.
I just had my 6 months and also clear so the cautarisation worked for me. Good luck and don’t worry not clear margins it doesn’t always means disaster. A second LLETZ can sorted out or cautarisation maybe did. Good luck :+1:t3:

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