Results confusion-help!

Hi everyone! My test of cure results were just given to me over the phone and apparently my smear has come back with no HPV and the biopsies that were taken have come back with ‘HPV changes’, but not any CIN. Does anyone have any idea on what this means as it’s really confused me!
I’ve spoken with a lady on the Jo’s helpline and she was equally as confused so I’m really hoping someone might be able to shed some light please!?
Thank you so much

I would GUESS that it means some evidence of residual borderline changes/effects, but not bad enough to be CIN. If this is the case it will most likely (from statistics) resolve on it’s own. However I would ring the clinic and ask for this highly ambiguous phrase to be explained - or ask your GP, who should get a copy of the letter, if you can ever get hold of your GP :wink: