
Hi everyone, I’m 26 and I’ve had 2 abnormal Pap smears. The second this year was LSIL and meant I had to go for colposcopy with a specialist, while I was there I asked questions about vaccination.

I had the original Gardasil (which covered for 4 strains of HPV) well over 10 years ago. At the colposcopy (which was normal! Yay!) while I was there I asked the doctor if I could have the newer HPV vaccination Gardasil 9. He said it wouldn’t have any effect on my current infection but would possibly cover me for more strains in the future. I was happy to do this as I am single and if I do have a new sexual partner at some point I don’t want to be exposed again.

I went back to the GP for the vaccination and they seemed a bit unsure about the vaccine as I had 3 originally, but they ended up saying one dose will be fine. The vaccine itself went fine, just the usual side effects of a sore arm. I’ve been overthinking it a bit since then, has anyone else done this - had both the “old” and new vaccine?

Thank you in advance xx