Pregnancy and treatment

Hi ladies,  

(Already posted in newly diagnosed but probably the wrong forum to post into)

I am looking for some advice, following a routine smear, i was found to have severe dyskariosis and had LLETZ treatment, once sent for histology unfortunately they found invasive squamous cell carcinoma, staged 1a1 (although felt incredibly lucky it was early days).  I never had any scans and my proposed treatment plan scheduled for january '19 was repeat LLETZ. However, in the 6 weeks between appointments i found out i am pregnant, very happy of course but unfortunately my consultant cannot finish treatment whilst pregnant and i have to wait until 3 months post partum. Other option was termination which i refused, i lost a baby at 20 weeks in 2016 so i knew i could not do this.  Has anyone had a cone or LLETZ whilst pregnant? I have asked for a second opinion at the christie as my worry is if anything is left behind then by the time i have treatment again it will be much worse.  Sorry for the waffle, hope you ladies are doing well.   


Hi Kate. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I've not had treatment while pregnant but I did have the same diagnosis as you (after I'd had my 2 children) . Like yourself as precaution they offered a cone biopsy which I had and the result of that was completely clear so it had all been removed in the first lletz. It's a tricky one for you, I'd be surprised if any doctor would perform another lletz on you while pregnant, especially as multiple lletz can cause incompetent Cervix so would put you at higher risk of premature birth. I wonder if they'll give you a cololposcopy to check? I know when I was pregnant, (before any lletz I was just having 6 monthly smears and colposcopies due to cin), they refused to do anything, wouldn't even check and I had to come back after the birth x

Thank you Libby for your reply, i see another specialist on wednesday so i am expecting him to say the same. But thank you and hope you're doing well xx 

Hi kate,

just wondered how you got on with your treatment and pregnancy? 

I was diagnosed while 5 mo the pregnant and had a course of chemotherapy at Christie’s and gave birth to a healthy baby boy in April.


CJ x