Polyp, normal smear but odd looking cervix

Positive stories to stop me worrying please as consultant has reassured me he is not concerned and he is just bring thorough as it's private but my minds gone again as I suffer with awful anxiety. 
Nurse pointed out I had a polyp 8 weeks ago during smear (came back normal) it started bleeding after intercourse 2 weeks ago. Went private through work. Consultant removed the polyp and took 3 swabs. He told me not to worry as he wasn't concerned as at this point I was crying. Got a copy of the report for the gp and he mentions it looks craggy with an unusual looking polypoid cervix consistent with previous cervical treatment.
But of back ground
Natutal assisted suction birth 2010 8lb7oz
Natural birth 2012 9lb1oz 15 internal stitches due to tearing ( I'm 5ft 3 & small built.) 
2016 July surgical termination local anaesthetic (pain unbearable), coil fitted at the time.
6 weeks later coil removed. Nurse said cervix odd. Had colposcopy with punch biopsy (all normal).
Here I am. I'm such a worrier looking for massive reassurance. 
Is it possible birth, termination etc etc has damaged my cervix? (I'm 39 btw )