need an advise*hysterectomy

Hi there, so happy to have found this forum!!
I have AIS and need to decide which treatment path to take because different doctors gave me different answers
one option is the obvious hysterectomy and I am trying to really understand what are the implications of that.
Having children is not an issue for me, but more the way it can affect my sexual function and if there are any other significant issues i should take in account.
If you can share your experience with me or have any advise
Thank you for your time !!

Hi kd

it depends on if your hacing a simply hysterectomy or a radical hysterectomy?

Ive just had the radical (I'm 6 days post op) which means I've lost the top third of my vagina. What this means sexually?.......I have no idea at this stage !

To be honest when faced with CC and the only solution is this I didnt give it much thought im just hoping as time passes I will heal and it won't effect my marriage long term.

i would definetly recommend chatting to your consultant as there are so many hysterectomy options depending on your staging. Hopefully that way you can work out what is best for you.

Take careĀ 

Hi kd :-)

If you have only AIS and nothing bigger than that I don't imagine that you will need to lose too much vagina. Sex will be different no doubt but should still be perfectly managable and fun :-) I was a stage 2b and lost 50-60% of my vagina. Sex was still doable and fun but then I had radiotherapy as well which meant that what remained of my vagina atrophied. I am of course over 50 and so menopausal anyway, so my vagina was likely to atrophy of its own accord. In UK women are given dilators to keep their vaginas fit if there is any likelihood of this happening, but in Greece I was not given anything of the sort and so for me, sex is history but I don't think that most of the women here have the same experience, I think most of them are all still shagging like bunnies :-)

Be lucky :-)

My consultant told me that removal of the top part of my vagina shouldn't really affect sex as the part the remove is usually occupied by the cervix so not really useable space anyway!

Thank you !

Thanks for taking the time to reply, I hope you are doing well!

I think the option that my DR mentioned was to remove the uterus and cervix but not ovaries.

I am feeling a little confused since my GYN, and the GYN oncologist have different views and treatment .

I am trying to get a second opinion from a different GYN oncologist (im in the US, there is no consultant here, but they reffer you to the actual GYN oncology surgen to get checked and a treatment plan.

Take care!