I'm terrified about having a 2nd 'urgent' colposcopy

I'm really in need of someone to talk to who understands what I'm feeling. I'm only 21 and I'm having my 2nd colposcopy 23rd December after my doctor made an urgent referral. I've had it done before but this time I'm even more terrified and my partner can't understand my fear. I'm terribly embarassed about having someone looking down there, as silly as that might sound and after the doctor has made the referral 'urgent' I'm really scared of what could be causing my problems. I have so many concerns and I'm being made to feel stupid by being so scared of going. I've been bleeding during sex for 6 weeks now and my previous colposcopy showed cervical ectropion and mild abnormalities. I was never offered a follow up appointment and was just told if symptoms reoccur then book an appointment with the GP. When I visited by GP this time, I was asked to do some self swabs and sent away. The swabs came back clear and I was referred for a 2 week wait urgent colposcopy. The GP and nurses have not even had a look 'down there' and I'm worried that this is all a bit unnecessary. I'm honestly so scared. My last one hurt when I had the biopsy and I bled and had awful cramping which really puts me off. I suppose really I'm just looking for some reassurance.

Hi Shannon:

It's a bloody shame that the cervix can't be located somewhere else, isn't it? I mean, if a cervix was under your armpit none of us would think anything of going to have it checked out. It is awkward and embarrassing even though we all know the doctors and nurses have seen it all before, all in a day's work, blah blah blah. Some doctors are better at putting you at ease so I hope you get one of those. It's a shame that your last experience was painful - I hope this time it's easier. 

As for "urgent" - don't worry. It could be marked that just to get you in quickly so you don't have to worry too long. 

Treat yourself to something gorgeous afterwards. Get your partner to spoil you afterwards and then enjoy your Christmas.

Take care

t x

When you hear the word urgent it makes you worry so much.

i know the colposcopy is an unpleasant experience but very important. Try not to work yourself up, if it is the ectropian bleeding they might be able to treat it during your colposcopy appointment, this was offered to me at my colposcopy appointment.

keep your chin up, your boyfriend is probably just as worried about you and being a man doesn't know what to say. I'm currently waiting biopsy results and all my boyfriend says is don't worry you're fine!!!! its driving me nuts.

x x  

Hello Hun 

I had some

ectroptain dealt with at my colposcopy back in April.  it had been causing bleeding after sex & exercise. I recovered quickly and the treatment was so quick. 

Ihope your doing ok x