Hi just a quick question regarding HPV.

So I've just had the lletz treatment for suspected CIN3 and CIN1, on April 1st currently waiting for my results. So I know there is no cure or treatment as such for the HPV virus but I've read a few things on good old Google that say the lletz treatment can clear up HPV. Im just wondering how true this is as I am really hoping for an all clear on my next smear but I am worried that If the HPV is still present I will end up with abnormal cells again. 


Thanks in advance for any advice x



Hi Carly,

I hope you're healing is going well. 


The intention of LLETZ is to remove the abnormal cells so that the normal cells continue reproducing more new cells that are normal without HPVs markers being involved. 

I can't remember the statistics now but I do remember there is an extremely high success rate for the body recovering from HPV through LLETZ and even without LLETZ (but low grade only) after two years. Xx


Hi thanks for your reply. Fingers crossed that will be the case then. I've 2 young children and getting married in 3 months so I really don't want this hanging over my head any more.