HPV ongoing

I’m wondering if anyone else has persistent high risk HPV?
I have for 6 years now (that we know).
My first smear at 25 it was found as well as high grade changes
Almost 31 now and still have high risk HPV.
and again, had abnormal smears with high grade changes.
Had biopsies done a few week back.
Anyone else in a similar situation?

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Hello lovely, I hope you don’t mind me replying but I just wondered if this would be of any help? I’ve seen many posts of women who have had HPV & swear by the Papillo gel (not sure of correct name). You use the gel over a 6 month period & it’s supposed to get rid of HPV, I keep hearing good things about it. I’m not sure if this will be of interest to you or anyone else reading but I thought I would mention it. Hope all is well :heartpulse: