HPV home test

Hi all i was wondering if anybody on here has used the home hpv tests im thinking of ordering one to put my mind at rest following negative results on infections and smear. If so what did you think and do you recommend it? Thank you.

Hi Dalz

I did a home HPV test which I was sent out by the hospital as part of a trial. It came back positive and I was advised to go for a smear - my first one at age 27 - and it was abnormal and I now have my colopscopy tomorrow. Im glad that I did it now as I knowI probably would have left it for god knows how long to have a smear.

The kit itself was just taking a swab from your cervix which was easy, putting it in a tube they provide and sending it off in an envelope. I got my results a few weeks later. Ive not bought the home ones but think it wiuld work the same way. xx


From what Ive researched most women will have HPV at some point but if your smear is clear I wouldnt worry about getting a positive result.