High risk anal HPV detected


I'm sorry to post here because I know most people on this site are actially dealing with abnormal cells and the cancer itself.

I am a 25 year old female who has had an anal smear and HPV test. I have also booked a cervical and oral smear. I am very particular about my sexual health and had read that HPV can be spread to a woman's anus even if she has never had anal sex - I wanted to start a more full screening regime early on in my life, even though a lot of it has to be done privately.

Just because of how the appointments fell (anal HPV and smear was private), I had the anal stuff done first.

The result (received yesterday) was: no cell changes but HPV 52 and 66 (both high risk) detected.

I am absolutely stunned and devastated.

I have never had anal sex so I think the overwhelming likelihood is that I will find out I have these strains cervically because I must have spread them to my anus.

I'm just at a point where I'm suicidal. I was seeing someone for 6 months (a woman) who I really had fallen for, but I wanted us to be tested and vaccinated up to the hilt before we ever slept together - so we have only ever kissed... and I cannot have given it to her, thank god. 

I just don't believe that dysplasia will never happen in my life. 

As I say, I am absolutely broken and can't really see another path but suicide. 

I’m so sorry you feel so scared. given any results other than normal is always shock. I believe the statistics for people having a strain of hpv is over 90%. So the likely hood of you having HPV is extremely high and nothing to feel ashamed about (if anything you’re more normal than someone without it). Please seek some help For the suicidal thoughts or chat to someone close to you. Sending you a big hug. Xx


I agree with Sharper - please seek some help for any suicidal thoughts that you are having as those are more of a concern than the fact that you have HPV. If you feel that your only path is suicide after receiving diagnosis of HPV I think that you may be in need of additional support than anyone could provide you over a forum space. 

I wonder if people mix up HPV and HIV in their minds (as they are closely abbreviated) as I have often seen a lot of strong reactions to the diagnosis of HPV. It is excellent that you are getting yourself tested but being told that you have high risk HPV shouldn't be a life stopper in any stretch of the imagination. 

HPV seems to be a ridiculously common virus and there seems to be a ridiculously large variety of HPV types. Its so prevalent that vaccines are offered (although I don't believe this protects against all strains) and it's also so prevalent that cervical smears are offered to make sure that any abnormal cells are caught before they become truly problematic. 

Again, a large population of the UK probably carry the virus - I think last statistic was 80%? That's a lot of people. That's a lot of people that will never know and will never care and that's a lot of people who probably already have some form of HPV before they even embark on any new relationships. Luckily there will be a lot of people where HPV will never develop into anything more than just 'HPV' but for some it will develop into abnormal cells - which is why those smears are so important!

If you have high risk HPV I would take this as knowledge more than anything - knowledge to watch your body for anything that seems out of sorts and also knowledge that you should attend all your smears when invited. 

You can't worry over something that hasn't happened yet - that may NEVER happen - and I personally don't think HPV is worth ending any life over. Again, I am more worried that your thoughts are suicidal than the fact that you have HPV. Please, please speak to someone who can help with those. 






I am sorry to hear this. I echo all the advice above - please, please speak to someone about your suicidal thoughts. Speak to your friends, loved ones - they will all understand. Speak to a professional, perhaps your GP? 

Sending you big hugs xxx