Help. Abnormalities found in glandular cells 2nd biopsie

Hi I’m seeking some information, advice help.

I’m 27 had my first smear 18months ago which came back abnormal. I was then sent into the hospital for a colposcopy where they found I had HPV, but it wasn’t high risk and I was just asked for a repeat smear in 12months.

I have since been back for that smear where they have found further abnormalities. After waiting 4 weeks I’ve been called back for a repeat colposcopy with biopsy.

At my appointment yesterday they told me they had found glandular cells
In my cervix canal and had to take a biopsy of a
Higher area.
They took 5 biopsys and I was told I will here back within 2 weeks but it’s likely I will need a lletz treatment (I think that’s what it is called)

I’ve tried to look up
Online but if I’m honest it’s all words I don’t understand. I’m seriously worried as both my aunts before they were 30 had cervical cancer and ended up both having hysterectomys

Does glandular cells means cancer?
Am I being over paranoid?
And what should I expect from a lletz treatment?

Thank you in advance

Hi Toni, glandular cells are found in a different area And are called cgin. They are treated same as cin.If you look on the information page of this website it explains it all for you. They are higher up the cervical canal and can be harder to find. Lletz treatment is either carried out during a colposcopy or under general anaesthetic. I had mine under general anaestheti. Good luck x

Thanks. Finding this site really helpful. 

Still feeling really anxious, 2 Weeks for more results is going to feel like a life time.

I'm not usually very emotional but since my appointment yesterday ive been feeling very teary xx 

Hi I know how horrible all this is my story is similar to yours please have a read through my post. I was clear after my 6 month check :) xx

Thanks so much for your reply I have had a read through your posts and feel so much better.

still awaiting results it's been the longest 3 weeks of my life apparently my biopsies have contradicted my smear results, so my cas is being looked at at an MD meeting to discuss treatment plan today. 

i dont really no what a MD meeting is or what any of it means feeling anxious xx