Follow-up Appt After LEEP

Hello! Just for an overview, I had my first abnormal smear last November which indicated ASC-H and high risk HPV. I went for a coloposcopy and the biospy came back CIN3. I was then scheduled for a LEEP under anesthesia where they also took a top hat and endocervical curettage. It all came back with clear margins and was told to have a follow-up smear in 6 months (June 2017). Unfortunately, I moved across the country in the month of June so I cancelled the appointment. When I was finally settled in, I found a new doctor locally to preform the follow-up. Since the LEEP I have been experiencing bleeding mid-cycle and after intercourse. I also have tremendous pain from intercourse which I completely stopped engaging in. I sometimes experience pain on my cervix at random during the day.

I went to the new doctor for the follow-up today. She reviewed my records and said that a 6 month follow-up is not necessary and I should wait another month for a smear. After I explained the symptoms I have been experiencing, she said she wanted to take a look for other possible reasons. She took a swab to see if there was any type of infection and am waiting for the results. She pressed on my cervix and it is very clear that is where the pain is coming from. She also mentioned that it looks as if there is a cell build up in the area of the LEEP. Her theory on the build up is that it could be scar tissue from the procedure, which may be fixable with silver nitrate. Regardless, she said she doesn't want to do anything until the next smear results are in. 

I have so much anxiety and PTSD from the whole experience, and am not dealing with this well at all. I don't feel normal anymore and have borderline panic attacks just thinking of the whole experience. Anyone else ever experience the symptoms I am having post-LEEP? 

How has everything turned up