Flight socks?

hi all!

i will be doing a number of 3 1/2 hour flights this year do greece

i had 25 radiotherapy and 5 chemo and 18hoirs pulsed rate brachytherapy 

for 2b cervical cancer with a suspect lymph node( so they nuked it anyway)

do I need to be wearing flight socks to prevent lymphedema ?

i meant to ask my oncologist but forgot

any help on this would be appreciatied.

ive had no signs of leg swelling , but I don’t want to leave it to chance



I just did a 2 hour flight and wore the socks to be safe. My doctor said i shouldnt need them but some of the woman on here told me i should just to be safe and gald that i did. I didnt have no swelling which i am glad. Good luck:-)

I would too. Easier to have a bit of prevention than to have to deal with treatment. I still have ted stockings from my visits to hospital. Did you get some from when you had brachytherapy? I'd just wear them under pants or you could buy some from chemist.  Happy and safe travels. Xx

Hi Mousehouse, I would definitely say yes do wear some flight socks. I developed lymphoedema following a 4 hour flight to Turkey, but I was high risk as I had had surgery too. You can get flight socks from your High St chemist, and go for the highest compression they do. I have specially fitted ones, but that shouldn't be necessary if you don't actually have lymphoedema. Prevention is certainly better than cure! 

Thanks guys

ill get some ordered as I don’t have the ones from brachytherapy 

You can get them in boots and other pharmacies :)