First Smear - Discharge on swab brush

Hi Ladies :)


I had my first smear test today, I am pleased to say all went well and it was no where near as bad as I thought :)

When the nurse pulled the swab out, I saw discharge on the top, this was not an odd colour, was not bloody colour and I have not had any other symptoms i.e. pain in stomach or bleeding after the test etc. 


The nurse said this is normal and is just discharge. 


When I came out, I asked my mum if she had ever had this and she looked confused... It's got me worried. 


Has anyone had this type of experience before?


Thank you in advance for your responses, i am a worrier! xx



This is very normal the cervix and vagina produce lubrication if you think about your vagina it is not dry. If you have no other symptoms this is probably normal for your body. Well done for having your smear test x