Failed Smear Attempts - what now?

Hello all,

I am 27 and have just failed to have my 2nd attempt at having a smear sample taken today. I have previously had 1 successful smear a few years ago but even that was a traumatic painful experience.

I have tried taking paracetamol before the appointment and breathing exercises to help me relax before going in. I don’t feel particulary stresseed or tense before the appointment. The nurse I have been seeing has been fantastic and supportive - ordered me the smallest speculum for the 2nd attempt and booked me in for the beginning of the day so less time to worry about it but still I cannot tolerate the speculum as it causes me immense pain which as soon as I feel that pain it causes me to tense and prevent the test going forward no matter how much I tell myself to relax.

We have spoken about seeing if the GP will prescribe Valium or similar to help relaxation but without preventing that pain from the speculum I fear it will just lead to another failed attempt each of which affects my mental health - I leave every test attempt in tears as I feel I am broken somehow. For context I don’t use tampons either as those cause too much discomfort to insert.

If anyone can offer any tips or advice on how I can proceed or if they’ve been in a similar situation it would be much appreciated as I currently feel very alone in this.

Thank you!

All to be referred to colposcopy unit rather than having it done in your Dr’s. I sometimes struggle with speculum and I think bedstraw they literally use speculums day on and out its not as bad. They have also offered me gas and air when it’s been particularly painful to help.

I now go there for all my smears.


No advice, (sorry!) but just to say I’ve had my first smear today and it was unsuccessful due to pain. Pleased to hear you have a supportive nurse who has tried to help you, I’m seeing a lot of other women mention the coloscopy following a difficult smear.

I left my appointment in tears too and feel like a total failure - even though rationally I know that’s a silly thing to think! You’re not alone in your fear and the impact on your mental health is really valid. I hope you can find a solution that makes this experience easier! x